Reviews from

in the past

EN MI OPINIÓN, el mejor de todos, al igual que Byleth, realmente no agrega nada nuevo, pero, al ser muy similar en algunas cosas a Mario, se me hace mucho más fácil de maniobrar y hacer buenos combos, así como tener un escenario que ojalá fuese un juego nuevo....

Pretty epic fighter(s) to get, even after Microsoft purchased Rare.

The base ultimate roster already had me content, after the initial 69 were unveiled I just along for the ride, I didn't really care. Whenever I'd get forced to answer the titular question, I would just say Banjo and Kazooie. That Monkey's Paw had some plans for me then

Reveal: 4.5/5
Character: 3/5
Stage: 3/5
Music: 4/5

Banjo himself is fine, but you just had to be there for the reveal.

"We are a celebration of gaming history!" proceeds to make the first representative of a major rival gaming company a character that's entire legacy is being used as a console war forum-weapon against them and nothing else

Pretty well-balanced for a Smash DLC, but that isn't saying much. Doesn't exactly portray the British wit of the source material all that well (not having a fart sound for down B is a felony). Nice to have some unremixed, tinky-tonky N64 music though. Ultimately, as I said, there's no justification for putting these two in before a true Xbox character, and the fact Nintendo is selling plastic toys of characters people voted for on the ballot without payment makes any inclusion influenced by it icky, even if I end up liking that pick.