Reviews from

in the past

I remember watching someone play through this game years ago so when I saw it was ported over to the PS5 I thought I’d give it a try!

I’m a sucker for that old look of PS1 RPGs so aesthetically I think the game looks great. I also really enjoyed the turn based gameplay and how you have to time your button presses for attacks (although I must admit the fact you can rewind time with the ps5 port did lead to me cheating a bit here and there mainly just for regular enemies though).

I liked using the dragoon powers, while just looking cool they added a good variety to battles. Overall I didn’t find the game super hard a few battles here or there gave a good challenge though.

I think where the game did lose a few points for me was its writing and story. There’s a few awkwardly worded parts here and there as well as a few typos I caught. I also did lose the plot personally once I made it to the fourth and final chapter. I still wanted to see the game through of course but I felt a lot of stuff was happening that I didn’t quite understand but that might of just been me.

In the end I did end up earning the platinum trophies for it, which outside of a handful of optional stuff isn’t too hard to do. Nonetheless I did enjoy the game and would be super interested if they did a full blown remake of it someday.

It’s a sick joke on us that you can rewind gameplay like an emulator in this re-release, because it allows me to fail combos repeatedly until I hate everything and stop playing the game.

Jogo que sempre tive curiosidade de jogar desde a adolescencia. Na época do lançamento eu joguei um pouco e lembro de ficar empolgado com os golpes em que vc tem que apertar os botões no timing certo. Mas é um jogo que talvez teria sido melhor ficar apenas na memoria. O combate é monotono, com poucas opções além de atacar, mesmo quando vc ganha a possibilidade de virar um dragoon as opções são limitadas. A história tbm é bem fraca e mal escrita.

Mas a minha curiosidade de adolescência ainda está aqui, talvez eu ainda volte pra ele no futuro.

Played this originally on the PS1 years ago and loved it at the time. Still enjoyed the game immensely but a few niggles:
- Some elements of the story have not aged well, the handling of Shana and her interactions with Lavitz in particular!
- Random battles in later parts of the game started to grate on my nerves
- Impossible to complete some of the special moves, even when abusing the PS5 rewind function
Overall a great trip down memory lane for me but but may not have appeal to those used to playing more modern RPG's.

pretty fun. but i have a hard time playing older/retro games

100% a game of its time, but still manages to shine through some really rough segments and gameplay.

There's a fan made PC port that fixes a lot of the jank, I'd recommend that for anyone with a large backlog as it can shave hours of loading screens, random battles, and slow text crawl from your playthrough.

Até o momento se mostra um grande jogo para os padrões da época