Reviews from

in the past

I truly adore this game! Played it very minimally back on the GameCube so my experience has been pretty much entirely with the Wii U version and I'm not mad about that at all! The game looks gorgeous on the Wii U and I think the improvements made to it really helped a lot!

My 3rd (formerly 2nd) favorite Zelda game after BotW and TotK. Also my first Zelda game! Oh how time flies.

La liberté offerte est folle pour l'époque où ce jeu est initialement sorti et même avec les standard d'aujourd'hui c'est un jeu d'une qualité rare. La direction artistique diffère radicalement des Zeldas qui l'ont précédés et fait que ce titre ressort parmis tous les jeux de la franchise. Cependant, il ressort autant pour sa DA que pour son gameplay et l'aventure unique et formidable qu'il propose. Les donjons sont vastes et variés. Bien qu'ils soient moins nombreux que dans d'autre titre de la série, cela est compensé par les nombreuses îles à découvrir et explorer qui renfermes de nombreuses quêtes et bonus optionnels. La version Wii U apporte une voile spéciale pour notre bateau qui permet d'avoir toujours le vent derrière nous, elle n'est pas débloquée dès le début ce qui permet d'avoir une partie de l'expérience d'origine qui consiste à changer le sens du vent avec la baguette des vents, mais après plus d'une dizaine d'heure de jeu, c'est un ajout de qualité de vie qui rend l'exploration beaucoup plus fluide et agréable.

Fantastic art and soundtrack. The Rito was a cool addition to Zelda. Ganondorf also rocks in this game

Joguei muitos zeldas seguidos, saturei mas pretendo voltar algum dia.

Only the Wii U deserve the best version of one of the greatest adventure game of all time.

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker HD is a remastered version of The Wing Waker released on the Gamecube in 2002, and by no means does this game actually need a remaster to still shine in 2013, The original Gamecube is more than playable and definitely worth a shot, but what if I told you Nintendo made a straight up upgraded version to the game that fixes pretty much any issues you had with the game.
This port mostly fixes any and all issues you have with sailing by adding fast sailing, making the triforce hunt shorter, adding new content, and a huge list of small things that will just end up making your playthrough a whole lot more enjoyable.

Outside of the HD enhancement, this game is amazing, Wii U or Gamecube, it never gets old. Most of the dungeons in this game are well-paced unlike its two predecessors which struggled a bit when designing dungeons, The combat is on point where it's not particularly hard but it's just fun, and the iconic cel-shaded graphics that made the original version timeless compared to other games from 2002.
The whole open-world gimmick of this game is sailing and even if it can get a bit tedious without the fast sailing in the original it's still an amazing idea where they don't have to focus on building a giant world that will end up being somewhat empty (BOTW) and just goes for some short and sweet island to explore, most are extremely small and I like it, the puzzles are usually extremely straight forward where most island just have basic puzzles like blowing up a rock or just a basic use of any tools you've unlocked throughout your journey.
I personally ended up completing the whole map and most of the side quests, though I did not get all heart pieces as they are quite tedious to get once you've already done everything, it's just treasure hunting for nothing. Neither did I try to do the Nintendo gallery side quest as you pretty much get nothing from it.

This game overall nails the idea of a 3D Zelda game perfectly and it's really easy to see why this game ends up being everyone's favorite Zelda, It was just unfortunate that this game was released twice on two different Nintendo consoles that were both lacking sales numbers.

If I had to name some issues with the HD version it would be nitpicky things like the chest opening animation when treasure hunting, Why can't you skip that! Or the Wind temple being really mediocre compared to the other dungeons of the game, This couldn't really be fixed with a remaster as they would've had to remake it from the ground up. And finally, I guess it would be the boss refight at the end it's just useless.

I would totally recommend this game to literally anyone, Video game fans of any genre need to try the Wind Waker it's just a timeless experience that cannot get old, I'd rather recommend Wind Waker to people than Ocarina of Time as yes it does still hold up very well but it's still a clunky 1998 game and not as many people can appreciate it, if you can't appreciate Wind Waker I'm sorry I can't do anything for you, you just hate good video games.

Wind Waker is great, no questions there, but the shadow of other titles is huge, so it's a bit hard to recommend at first if you want to play any Zelda, still, what this title have going for it is the style. Each ally, each enemy, each attack are fill with little details that make this game a really fun experience if you decided to give it a chance. Also, is quite easy, so you don't have to worry to lose too much time

The grandma is the sweetest most precious video game character of all time she must be protected at all costs

”The wind will guide us!”

The original version of The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker has, without a doubt, the WORST pacing of any Zelda game. Sailing takes too long, constantly having to take out the Wind Waker itself kills the pace, the Command Melody is annoying, and having to salvage each piece of the Triforce is tedious.

The Wind Waker HD fixes all of those issues.

The game gifts us with the Swift Sail, a sail that doubles our boat’s speed and causes a favorable wind to constantly blow in whatever direction we want, meaning that we don’t have to waste time pulling out the Wind Waker every five seconds to change the wind direction. The game no longer plays back every single song we play on the Wind Waker, which makes the Command Melody much less of a pace breaker; instead, it’s just another item in Link’s arsenal. Finally, five out of the eight Triforce shards are simply in the chests that you find, meaning significantly less time wasted hunting them down.

All of these changes make the game much faster, bringing it more in line with the masterful pacing of other Zelda games. Since I no longer felt bored and/or annoyed, I was able to soak in the experience of The Wind Waker.

The already gorgeous visuals have been given an HD overhaul and a new lighting engine; it’s pure eye candy. The story is stil magnificent. Even the dungeons, which I considered some of the worst in the series in the original, are actually… pretty good? They don’t stack up to the dungeons in other 3D entries and they’re still too easy, but they have solid puzzle progression and distinct visual theming. The Tower of the Gods and the Wind Temple are still awesome.

I partook in more side quests this time around. They’re not the best thing ever, but they have their charm. Windfall Island is essentially this game’s Clock Town, only much less depressing. Helping all of the residents with their problems is inherently satisfying and fleshes out the world of the Great Sea, showing you why Link needs to protect it from Ganondorf.

Speaking of the Great Sea, The Wind Waker’s oceanic overworld has a wonderful sense of adventure that only Breath of the Wild would be able to recapture. Sure, the Great Sea isn’t exactly dense, but there’s still lots to do and discover. So many mini-dungeons, so much treasure, so many Heart Pieces… it’s amazing. Exploring the Great Sea makes you feel like a true adventurer.

I honestly loved The Wind Waker HD. I still wish there were more complex dungeons, but I was more than satisfied with what I got. All of the little improvements and quality of life changes have boosted The Wind Waker from the most overrated Zelda game to one of the series’ best.

Major improvement over the original. A very worthy remake

I will never forget the year 2013 when picked up the wii u limited edition with this gem. Not only was I the weird Wii U kid I was the „please be careful with my zelda gamepad“ wii u kid

Look, I know this game is jank as shit and can be a real sonuvabitch, but I'm nostalgic as fuck for it.

They took a great game and polished away a lot of the grindy B.S.

once this game begins to open up and let you explore that is when it is at its best. playing this game with a notebook taking notes about the different things on each island is such a fun experience and the story beats that focus on that adventure aspect such as the ghost ship are my favorite parts of the game. the dungeons are all solid but never reach the heights of some of my favorite zelda dungeons. its a great game especially on that first playthrough. kinda sad that this game as well as twilight princess hd never got switch ports.

Dude, that just hits different.
A distinctive visual style, quality dungeons, good gameplay and story. The look of the game may not be to everyone's liking, but I think it's very good. Also, technically, it's an open world game and it has a world that is mostly covered by water. That's a difference compared to other Zelda games.

And in this game, unlike most other Zelda games (maybe even all of them, I'm not sure), Link is not a chosen one.

If the visuals don't bother you and you have the platform to play it, I suggest you check it out.

cute game, lots to do but the sense of adventure dies after a bit. great story

Tied with Xenoblade Chronicles 1 as my favorite game of all time. out of every TLOZ game, this game has the most personality and the biggest sense of adventure. while back in the day people weren't very fond of the graphical style the game chose, it ended up being one of the games greatest strengths, allowing Wind Waker to age like fine wine compared to other titles in the franchise, which is even further enhanced by playing the HD version. With a great core story, awesome Dungeons, and amazing visuals/ost, Wind Waker HD is the definitive way to experience one of the greatest games every made, No Question.

The absolute BEST Zelda game ever made. A masterpiece of a game. I LOVE WINDWAKER SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!

a good Zelda game that's biggest flaw is the ocean traversal

A classic. Very good artystyle, the usual good Zelda entry. Fast sail addition to HD was good QoL.

ganondorf and his two swords are so badass

For being the follow up to Ocarina of Time and its sequel Majora's Mask, the Windwaker had massive boots to fill. Thankfully, the team behind The Legend of Zelda The Windwaker and its HD remaster did just that. The sense of adventure in this game is so unique for a game of its time, let alone a Zelda game, and the more cartoon-y aesthetic of the game complement the less serious and jovial tone of this game excellently.

This looks like a Nintendo 64 game disguised as a Gamecube one. What I mean by that? Everything is very bland and uninteresting: the combat, platform levels, boat exploration, enemies, and so on. Would this game be acclaimed if it wasn't a "Zelda" game? You tell me...

The Wind Waker has the best form of exploration amongst the old formula Zelda. Sailing the open seas to epic music (also the best in the series) and discovering little bits of secrets amongst all the islands is such a treat and truly stands out against the other titles. With such a hurdle to overcome given the stark change in animation style, WW ended up shining as one of the best titles in The Legend of Zelda. Plus, you finish off Ganondorf by plunging the Master Sword straight into his face. Perfection.