Reviews from

in the past

A really solid RTS that pushes back on my tendency to just turtle and forces you to be somewhat aggressive and not just only do economy.

Completed the campaign and have played MANY hours of the survival mode. Addicting RTS gameplay that keeps me coming back from time to time.

Lo que no me gusto de este juego es que ciertas estrategias a ciertas ciudades te destinan al fracaso y te obligan a coger otras rutas. Aparte de eso, yo creo que son 999.999.999.999 millones de zombies, pero bueno.

pum aghhh bang

Ok, ahora si son 1B.

I played this game before the campaign mode existed, so I don't have any opinions on that, but I enjoyed the survival / free play mode even though I didn't have much experience in the RTS genre. I had thought I would go back to try the campaign when it came out, but I never did, and at this point I doubt I will.

This review contains spoilers

Create an rts and mash steampunk, city building elements, zombies and what do you get? A really good game! Seriously they are billions is sick.

From the get go TAB doesn’t make things easy. One zombie is easily enough to destroy your entire colony if they catch you unaware. You do have plenty of breathing room but it’s not difficult to have a thirty minute game collapse in 2-4 minutes.

But if you can get past the difficulty and the learning curve TAB offers quite a bit of content to sink your teeth into. Great maps for single games, Custom challenges, and a fully fledged campaign that can take 50-60 hours to finish. If you’ve been looking for an rts with a fun angle on the genre check this out! It’s definitely worth your time!

Was looking for another RTS after a starcraft burnout and found this. What a satisfying game. Having a real time count of how many zombies are left in the game after each mission makes them game feel so impactful. My only real complaint with this game is that I no longer have multiple hours to sink into a single mission haha.

underrated gem of an rts game, really difficult and punishing but fun