Reviews from

in the past

It's no Ace Combat, but, circumstantially, it kind of rips in spite of its obnoxious variant of Clancy-branding. It doesn't have the strongest legs for solo play, but I played this co-op with a pal and, gee whiz, it was pretty fun doing wacky, ultra-low, maniac-mode fly-bys whilst shooting machine guns.

Aviones que no se controlan bien mientras señores militares se mueren y te gritan cosas por megafonía

Fun game similar flying controls to GTA V's flying controls, I enjoyed the campaign solo, played through on hardest diff, although I didn't really pay too much attention to the story because I felt its more about the gameplay than the storyline, the gameplay is fun but kinda easyish, I mean it's not super simple but no walk in the park either, once you grasp the controls you'll be flying in no time (pun intended)
Had a few run ins with players since I put it on public for the last few campaign missions and they were decent players too, I did want to get all trophies in this but the versus online mode is dead, like completely dead, not a soul in sight, I even bought a second copy to try and boost with myself but found it boring and tedious. It's a shame the versus mode is dead, it seems like it could've been fun at launch. Oh well.

So here we have Tom Clancy's H.A.W.X. An interesting title for a variety of reasons. For one, it's one of two series I can think of that use the strange acronym name hybrid title, along with the FEAR series. Also, its , along with End War, one of the forgotten about, and quite random entry in the Tom Clancy's series. Finally, it's one of the few flight games on the console set in modern times. This is another one of those titles that I find hard to review, as I'm not really a big flight sim fan. That being said, this seems like a fairly serviceable one, if a little repetitive. The missions are your standard fair of dog fights against a bunch of enemies, and bombing an area. If you are into this time of game, you will know what I'm talking about an probably enjoy it. One cool feature is that the game will give you flight paths to avoid missiles or follow enemies in the form of gates, and missing one will mean you need to start again. It's a simple but cool little mechanic. One major issue I have with this game is it is ugly. It's very green/brown/gray, and i really think it could have been improved by having some cool cities or landscapes to fly over. That being said, I had a bit of fun with it and its still pretty playable in 2023.

I actually enjoyed this one. Ubisoft tried to rival ace combat with this one. It obviously failed but the soundtrack to this was just as good as it’s counterpart.

Ubisoft's try on Ace Combat formula. Nostalgic game which, sadly, cannot be bought legaly anymore. Story is interesting, but obvious. Missions can get a bit repetitive. Ultimately, this is a fun way to waste a few hours.