Reviews from

in the past

Bland shooting game. Direction was confusing but enjoyable

I beat this 7 times on ps3 in and around 2008-2010

I had my first suicidal thoughts after renting this from Blockbuster

Back when I played for xbox achivments. I really wanted to get this game becasue of the alternative timeline like FPS shooter. After playing this masterpiece I realized I would never buy games at full price again. Which is why I games for 90 percent off on steam now.

Feels like an up-res'd N64 game, with huge chunky models, blurry, muddy textures, and terrible controls. Both too heavy AND too floaty at the same time??

I'm always misremembering that this came out in, like, late 2005 or early 2006—near the Xbox 360 launch window—but, no, it came out the same year as Gears of War 2. Inexcusable.

This game is good as hell when you don't got a bitch in your ear telling you it's bad. Bro you blow up the White House! Like this shit is cool as hell!

Yeah the PS3 port is pretty bad, was everything released on PS3 in 2008. So what the game is short, there wasn't really much more needed to be told story wise. It is a weird gateway between the more deliberate cover based first-person shooters with iron sights that we would get post-modern warfare and the classic Medal of Honor style of gameplay.

I just can't get over how cool this game is and how well it executes on its premise. One of the best openings to a game I've played since Prey 2006. It sucks you right into the war and gets you ready to kill Nazis and save New York. I didn't really find it all that difficult, as you can run and gun your way through the entire game. Especially with the Human shield mechanic, its almost like a first person Dead to Rights...minus the dog and the slow mo.

This was the point where kid me realized that games could be bad, actually.

Flat out terrible. This game really does do nothing well.

The game's checkpoints are too far apart and each level needed at least one or two more, the difficulties needed to be easier, the story isn't very interesting, the AI is useless, there are lots of bugs, and the framerate tanks when big explosives/a big grenade goes off.

On the upside, the music sounded pretty good and the overall concept for the game is an interesting one; it's a shame that the developers weren't able to create a more polished and interesting experience in the campaign.

(I haven't tried the multiplayer)

If you REALLY want to play it, go ahead, but be prepared to be disappoined. I wouldn't recommend this game.

Bom e um jogo antigo e mal feitinho, achei na net mesmo e fui testar pra ver, finaliza em uma tarde, pequeno porém não é injogável, se gosta de jogos retro que ninguem conhece, dar uma conferida nessa bomba ae