Reviews from

in the past

It was an iconic and groundbreaking game in East Europe (mostly Russia, Ukraine and Belarus) and is now considered a cult one if you are old enough.
Now in retrospect - looking at this and some other games that the same published (Buka) released - it becomes so clear and bizarre how some of it rhymes with modern russia.
Vagner PMC, post-apocalyptic nihilism mixed with irony and post-modern (Nuclear Titbit) and paternalism, sexism and resentment in the Petka series. All were published by Buka.

The game itself is actually quite good and has its own unique style. It has nothing to do with anything that I mentioned above except the naming. I just decided to write it all down here - cause all other games published by the same publisher don't deserve any review at all.

An absurd technical achievement- cannot recommend this in good conscience unless you crave anti-intuition

PMC Vanger Group Eat Za Bugs Edition

это полный пиздец чуваки