Reviews from

in the past

The actual open world part of this expansion is amazing. Questing and exploring the lore in Northrend is just super immersive and easily the best part of Wow over the last 20 years. Ulduar and ICC have pretty interesting stories too. Fun to experience on retail just being able to outlevel shit and explore the lore and world.


The early days of WoW were one of its brightest. From the leveling journey, discovering Northrend for the very first time, the zone, the story, and the music, it was Warcraft.

The Wrath of the Lich King experience was phenomenal, every content was just fun, raiding, dungeons, PvP, and many more.

All dungeons were fun encounters, fun mechanics with each having amazing designs. Even the last three dungeon releases; Forge of Souls, Pit of Saron, & Halls of Reflection, were all amazing and beautiful story-wise.

Raids were also a lot of fun, Naxxramas had a set of great Tier Set designs, Ulduar is arguably one of the best raids in the game. Trial of the Crusader was a good feature with Argent Crusade content. And Icecrown Citadel was the cherry on top.

PvP was also a lot of fun, great reward system, 5v5 Arena still existed, Isle of Conquest & Wintergrasp was one of the best big PvP areas the game produced.

Overall WotLK was just a great experience for everybody. It was easy to play and it was a lot of fun while playing it. And fans will always shout how they positively feel about this expansion. THE BEST.

Was good back in the day, doesn't stand the test of time

One of the best expansions to World of Warcraft.
Correctly kept balance between old and new MMORPG, great story and main villian, dungeons and raids were amazing.

Peak WoW before they completely ruined everything. Ulduar was kind of a stupid raid but everything else was 10/10 if you just gave up your attachment to the story making any sense or respecting the lore.

The ultimate World of Warcraft nostalgic experience and one of the peaks of the game. Still, it continues to be a 2008 game and it shows in certain design decisions that were modified in more modern versions of the game.

Honestly, I don't know what all the fuzz is about.

I get that a lot of people started out with Wotlk, and the nostalgia factor is therefore very strong with this one. But I think you have to be coping at least somewhat to think that these patches were the best ones to ever go live.

This expansion is like the awkward-teen-phase of wow for me. They tried alot of new stuff with wotlk, throwing new things at the wall, to see what sticks. It's undeniable that this expansion, more than any other shaped what WoW would become. This factor alone gives the original devs some leeway in terms of criticism in my opinion. You can clearly see the team wrestle with some of the more problematic aspects of the genre and the formula. Trying to find new ways to improve both, I really believe they gave a fuck at the time.

This all being said, I think the expansion is middling at best. While I can appreciate the story and lore from start to finish, the raid tiers are really what kills it for me. Wotlk is stuck between Classic and Modern WoW. While the Class-Design has leaped forward, providing interesting and diverse types of gameplay for different classes, the Boss-Design is still stuck in the past. The Raids provide generally little challenge. The most dense and difficult encounters are The Lich King and Yogg-Saron (Hard mode), both the Endbosses of their respective Raids. Every other encounter felt barebones to me. However considering the time in which they released Wotlk this might be an issue specific to playing the expansion in the modern era. I did most of my WoW playing between Cataclysm and Legion, which means that I was always used to more complex and difficult encounters. I lack the experience to grasp the difficulty these encounters presented at the time of release.

Which gives me a perfect segway into the Classic Wotlk Servers by Blizzard Entertainment/Activision supervised by Microsoft. They're gargabe, absolute trash. Having game-breaking bugs and glitches which were present in the original is one thing, but introducing new ones is flat out embarassing. The WoW Token and Chinese Bots have completley ruined the economy, GDKP is a travesty and every Server is filled with elitist, who have been playing the game since 2008 and are still somehow wiping on Professor Putricide.

If you wanna dive into WoWs teenage years, I can't recommend the "official" servers. Warmane is all I'll say.

I want to kiss the lich king on his cold lips

Considero que está bastante sobrevalorada, pero sigue siendo muy buena.

i played Lich King for a little bit over a year in the Warmane server, and it was very fun. i played a Warrior (like i do most of the time) and managed to get Shadow's Edge but not Shadowmourne sadly. recommended 100%

o melhor mmo que joguei, nenhum se compara a ele em questão de universo, o melhor!

tentei por anos jogar vários mmos rpgs e nenhum de fato conseguiu me pegar, foi então que um dia no segundo ano do Médio um amigo cujo o Char se chamava Kenjutso, na época me convidou para dar uma olhada, e eu digo, foi paixão a primeira vista.

o fato de eu ter entrado no mundo e ter visto um local cheio de vida e rico por mais simples que área era(antiga darnasus), eu vi que alí tinha muito carinho envolvido na parte do desenvolvimento.

tive uma imensa aventura nesse jogo, upei, raidei e tirei pvp e não me arrependo de nada.

e nunca, em nenhum jogo multiplayer eu terei uma sensação tão épica como eu tive quando eu derrotei o lich king pela primeira vez.

The people that didn't play WotLK maybe doubt when we say it's the best expansion WoW had, but we were there, and it's hands down the best expansion.

Obviously nostalgia biassed me.

Peak WoW with best cinematic trailer

Absolute perfection. Killing the Lich King was one of the most cathartic experiences I've ever had in gaming AND the story felt really well done. There were lots of running stories but they all tied in very nicely, unlike BC and Vanilla.

The first point of snow is always the greatest.

muchas veces recuerdo una interacción que tuve con un tío en una cordillera de rasganorte que me terminó diciendo "amigo, es imposible aburrirse jugando al wow!". me pregunto qué será de él. seguirá jugando?

a melhor era de mmo da historia, NADA vai super isso aqui

This is truly the MMO experience of all time

i would have a much smaller list if mmo's managed to stay this good

Best epansion for WoW! Achieved good amount of server first kills and obtained unique titles including Malygos, Obsidian Sanctum and Naxxramas. Good Old Days

Peak WoW. Arthas did nothing wrong