Reviews from

in the past

ye black skinhead in this game :D

A little biased here, but this is the one I really started creating a ton of CAWs on. Banger soundtrack. Otherwise it was alright.

All these 2K games just blend together.

Universe Mode is my favorite in this game

Copy paste my 2k17 review 🦆

Mid. Pure Mid. Nothing about this game stands out, felt no different to it's predecessor, career mode was STEAMING ASS, graphics looked odd, this game was just so ehhhhh.

The only WWE 2K games I've played before are this, 2K16 & 2K20. Out of those 3, I'd likely say this is the best.

All wrestlers are, unlike 2K20, available immediately on the roster.

Main menu soundtrack is easy to listen to

Graphics are decent enough

AI are more challenging and make for more entertaining matches

Larger roster than the 2K16 one

Some modes would make the game more addictive if they weren't male-only, i.e Royal Rumble

Controls are slightly more difficult than those in 2K20, i.e R2 for reversal is more difficult to get used to than triangle in 2K20

Probably played this one the most as a kid

I didn't like it. Maybe coz I didn't understand how to play it properly lol. Deleted it after a while