Reviews from

in the past

Full series review:

Burnout 2 improves on just about everything from the first game, it's faster, it's prettier, and it has Crash mode! Fun for a few hours for sure.

the first game i played on the ps2 back in 2002, blew my head off at the time

Miles better than the first one. Driving finally works! Opponent AI still bad, more variety of content including the crash and the pursuit game modes. Still, very repetitive towards the end. A lot more cars even though the bus is missing. Good game overall.

Even though it isn't as focused on Takedowns, i honestly enjoyed the races in this one almost as much as Burnout 3.

Their early work was a little too... new wave for my taste, but when Burnout 3: Takedown came out in '04 I think they really came into their own commercially and artistically

Fun all the way through, the crash mechanics were revolutionary for the time, yet the game was a little lacking in the style department.

Feels like an actual game compared to the last one, hooray! Still in the early stages with it's lack of takedowns or licensed soundtrack, but it's a fun racer nevertheless.

They hadn’t leaned in hard enough yet. Playing the races I’m like, “what I’m supposed to NOT hit stuff??”

a wholly passable arcade racer like its progenitor. delivers on "burnout 1 but better" in the most average way it can honestly, just more tracks, cars, and events with some minor aesthetic and gameplay overhauls.

the main issues here are
A: why are these races so long. you get a few in that acceptable 3-4 minute window and then anything on a decently long track starts creeping up to a gruelling 6-8 minutes. that'd be on the longer side for an average simcade, but in this kind of modern arcade racer? really wears you down over those long ass grands prix especially seeing as there aren't that many environments (still a leg up on burnout 3 in track variety though)
B: difficulty. you either pick the new fastest car you just unlocked and breeze past everyone with a consistent 5-15s gap or you pick something suboptimal and have to fight tooth and nail the whole race, which i can only really find fun in games that don't make me do it for 5+ minutes straight. again, this is still a leg up on burnout 3 because at least that difficulty feels earned and not because the leading AI is tied to your car by a length of rope.

the driving really is fun and those crash physics have so, so much more impact than in 3, but it really feels like it's missing some important element that i can't quite place...
i trudged through the first series and called it quits for now, i'll come back to do the custom series one day and i'll probably be able to place what that je ne sais quoi is