Reviews from

in the past

It was okay, had some interesting story beats. Not much to remark on.

Finished DOOM eternal Ancient God Part 1 DLC, gotta say as a die hard DOOM ETERNAL fan kind of a letdown at the start, 1st chapter/level out of 3 total was horrible to say the least, OG DOOM eternal had perfect gameplay pacing/balancing, the right amount of exploration, platforming and combat sections, But this 1st level through all of it out of the window, it's just fighting multiple waves of enemies in a same arena twice or thrice, the level was way shorter and only dragged out by repeated combat section to the point where it loses all its adrenaline rush, but the next two levels were good, to say the least, the levels were big enough good platforming and combat scenarios, sadly not as pitch-perfect as the base game,
the new addition to this DLC was some new enemy types, one of them soul possessing demon which kinda of annoying rather than amazing.
The last boss fights 2nd phase was also annoying as it used the same soul-possessing type of enemies.
Also the ost is good get the job done but it ain't on the level of MICK GORDON.
OVERALL Kind of a let down would say 7/10.
GOOD cliffhanger tho

dlc infernal da porra, tem 5x mais inimigos pra enfrentar além dos tipos novos que são insuportáveis, level design meio confuso tbm, de resto a história é legal e o personagem já vem totalmente upado e com tudo liberado desde o início

4,5/10 - Length
4,5/10 - Price
6,5/10 - Performance/Bugs
8,0/10 - Gameplay
6,0/10 - Story/Experience

Score = 5,9/10

More doom eternal but a lil less exploration oriented and more focused on combat. Not bad by any means just a lil worse than base game cuz of lack of exploration.

I'm a believer in Doom Eternal's superiority to 2016's Doom and this DLC reinforced that belief. I hadn't played the game since its original release so there was a slight learning curve, but once I was back in the swing of demon slaying it felt like coming home. This DLC is an amped up version of the challenges that I encountered in the base game along with some new twists. I wasn't the biggest fan of the spirit mechanic given it requires a specific weapon loadout but other than that I had a blast with part one. Also, found the concept of a Doom slayer intern absolutely hilarious.

This just didn't do it for me, which is unfortunate because I love Doom Eternal and replayed it just to prep for this. The DLC leans too heavily on just throwing more enemies at you more frequently, instead of adding something new to the level design. The new enemy types are extremely annoying - when the combat is this fast paced, I don't want to slow down to aim at an eyeball, or roleplay as a ghostbuster with the spirit. I had the same complaint with marauders in the base game - they hurt the flow of the game by forcing you to slow down and also just use 1-2 specific weapons.

I don't think I'll be playing Part Two.

The difficulty was just what the original game needed

Fantastic DLC that expands on the lore and story of Doom. Also leaves a lot to hope for in the second part.

final fight is really bad, also did not enjoy the ghostbuster mechanic, it was not that fun

rest of the game is really fun and hard as fuck, i loved playing it in ultra-violence (until the final fight), genuinely do not go into this kindly, it will Beat Your Ass !!!

bro i held out on playing this because I saw mixed reviews and then just never got around to it. But this shit slaps so hard. Three long levels that are just really good and jam packed with difficult fights and also some cool story. I love Urdak so I was happy to go back there as well. I played this all basically in one sitting. I was expecting the DLC levels to kinda just be like Master Levels, but they add lots of new stuff so it warrants being a DLC.

Amazing expansion to an already amazing game. More cool levels with cool new things. What more could you want!

The difficulty is stupid compared to the based game - felt like it turned into a souls game towards the end.

Amazing much harder then doom eternal still haven't beaten this on the hardest difficulty

pretty solid expansion, the new levels are great, they look fantastic and have some really fun encounters

bit light on new mechanics, really its just the support rune and a few new enemies
speaking of enemies, oh my god these new ones suck
their weaknesses are just kind of not fun to deal with

More doom eternal but a lil less exploration oriented and more focused on combat. Not bad by any means just a lil worse than base game cuz of lack of exploration. (x2 now)

This expansion was amazing, so much harder but the adrenaline was, once again, otherworldly. From the beginning till the end I took ages to complete it but finishing it felt extremely worthwhile. The new enemies and enemy types were a worthy addition and the game never felt more challenging. I easily recommend this with the game itself, adds so much more.

Absolutely hilarious that Samuel Hayden decides the best way to try to kill Doomguy after going through a William Birkin mutation is by hitting him with Touhou attacks.

Originally played this when it released, but I thought I was Big Dick McGamer and chose Ultraviolence after not playing the game that has you using your controllers and keyboard like you're playing Through the Fire and Flames and rightfully got my shit canned so bad I said "that's enough of that for today!" and never returned. Now I'm back and beat the game's ass so I think I'm doing pretty good.

The coolest part of TAG is how confident the devs are in your skills and the arsenal they've prepped that they just dump the most insane nonsense at you. It's the FPS version of DMCV dumping a Fury into a swarm or Bayonetta hitting you with Gracious and Glory and then telling you to do something about it. It rules. Yeah there's still the silly tutorials telling you how to deal with something but that's like 2% of the chapter. Also, Andrew Hulshult's tracks are really good too. Glad he didn't just try imitating Mick Gordon even if some things can't really be avoided seeing as this is the modern sound of Doom now. Especially after how brutal the falling out (LMFAOOO) he had with Bethesda and id would have been in really bad taste otherwise.

Excited to start Part Two and witness the conclusion to this absolute nonsense crackhead story.

que negocio entendiante, ele so triplica os monstros e começa coloca marauder a cada dez passos.
o modo enjoa mt rapido pq ele não adiciona nada pro level designe a te pior o que eu disse sobre loop enjoativo.
desculpa mas n vou jogar a dlc 2 não.

Oyun için söylediğim her şey geçerli ama bi yarım puanı kırıyorum çünkü kısa sürsede kompakt bir hikaye yok hadi o neyse doom bu ama oyun düşmanları boca edercesine üzerinize salmaya başlıyor hatta kombo yapamıyorsunuz. Baya sinir oldum ama genel olarak güzek bir deneyimdi.

yani yeni bir şey yok sadece hikaye devam ediyor, üç yeni boss fight var o kadar. daha fazla doom eternal'dan fazlası değil

Azione adrenalinica dall'inizio alla fine
L'unico problema è che dura tipo un'ora, forse nemmeno.

Pues al igual que el juego base me ha gustado mucho, concretamente porque es exactamente igual. Es tanto su virtud porque sigue teniendo todo lo bueno de eternal, como su defecto, ya que echo de menos alguna cosa nueva.

Solo añade 3 enemigos nuevos, uno chulo , otro intranscendente y por ultimo otro bastante malo. Basa su existencia en convertir a enemigos regulares en esponjas de balas, justo lo contrario que lleva a haciendo el juego hasta este punto. También me ha dado la sensación que hay demasiados enemigos por combate, satura un poco.

A nivel estético sigue al nivel, siendo increíbles. La banda sonora cumple bastante bien aunque se nota que no es mick gordon, pero sabe transmitir la misma sensación que la original.


The Ancient Gods – Part One is more of the same. It doesn’t add too much new content other than a few levels and a couple of new enemies— which are all fairly annoying to fight. They come across as too gimmicky, with most of them being centered around you waiting to shoot them; the spirit in particular is really frustrating and doesn’t mesh well with the gameplay that the base game set out to make.

This DLC adds three new levels which all take you to unique environments separate from the base game, and they’re all mostly cool! but the first one is easily my favourite. It’s giving Kamino vibes and I love it for that, it’s also stunning because of the rain effects, making it the best-looking level in the game by far. It obviously helps that the layout is great too— having a strong emphasis on platforming and getting around the oil rig; I also noticed how narrow a lot of the rooms and areas are, adding to the difficulty aspect because you can’t dodge as easily, which forces you to be more precise with your shooting and movement. It’s definitely the most unique of the bunch.

The second level was when I started to find the DLC a bit repetitive. It wasn’t trying to do anything new, and with a game like DOOM Eternal… that’s a very bad thing. The base game was constantly adding new mechanics and enemies throughout every single level, which is a huge reason as to why it was so well paced and enjoyable; and The Ancient Gods – Part One does the exact opposite of this, they don’t add much of anything, and even drag out the fights. This doesn’t make much sense when you really think about it, I know they wanted to make the DLC more difficult, but prolonging the fights is a bad way of doing it. A better way of increasing the difficulty would’ve been through level design and enemy variety— which the first level excelled at as I’ve already pointed out. The boss fight in the second level wasn’t great either, it’s literally the turret enemy except it sometimes teleports around— it’s lackluster and incredibly easy (even on nightmare).

The third level was also eh. Nothing is able to beat the first level’s visual fidelity and immaculate design; I honestly wouldn’t be surprised if The Ancient Gods – Part Two doesn’t live up to it. The best thing about the third level is the boss fight, which is miles better than the previous one, and is actually hard (although not that hard on nightmare).

I know most of this review has been me hating on it, but I honestly still really enjoyed it for what it was, which is just more DOOM Eternal; and that in of itself will always be good fun. Extra points for having the “intern” give a doomguy reference.

DLC's - Ranked
2020 - Ranked

Yeah naw, this one ruined the difficulty balance of the base game, with a worse soundtrack
Lore was also kinda uninteresting

Whereas the main game is fun and challenging, this is unfun under the facade of challenge

The Ancient Gods Pt. 1 is an expression of absolute confidence in id Software and its commitment to the fans.

They didn't back down from the game journalists or people who can't face a simple challenge in life or try to improve themselves. The negative reviews prove my point.

Everything in the DLC is double-down and it's not for new players. Combat arenas are more chaotic than ever. There is a significant increase in pressure units and fodder demons. My first playthrough was on Nightmare difficulty and it was more challenging than the main game on Ultra-Nightmare.

id Software couldn't have chosen better composers than Andrew Hulshut and David Levy. They did a fantastic job. I enjoyed their work more than Mick's Gordon.

Something that often gets overlooked is the fantastic job done by Emerson Tung - the creator of most characters, environments, languages and the whole Maykr lore. DOOM has never been a series about stories or lore. But this whole new DOOM universe they have been building is very well thought out and unique.