Reviews from

in the past

Лучший персонаж серии.

to begin, this is one of the worst pc ports i played, though im not gonna let it affect my overall rating because gta 4 is a great game. So my recommendation is to play it on ps3/xbox you will get less glitches and less save corruptions

From the characters to dialogue its truly great, I loved Niko from his choices (that the player influence) to his thoughts on society and other characters, which highlight his motives. The open world is fun and interactable by yourself or even with other characters. The endings are written beautifully, though i preferred revenge over the other ending. I think gta 4 is a must-play game, because the story and characters carries it.

Despite all that i still can’t give it a full 5 starts since i feel that a small portion of the missions are a little repetitive and just a filler to make the game longer, like the missions where a deal comes in place. it always goes wrong which made that aspect of the game too predictable.

La musique du jeu : on l'écouteras encore dans 1000 ans

el gta con el mejor protagonista
los dos finales que tiene son bastante amargos pero supongo que va de la mano con lo que el juego busca demostrar y transmitir y eso queda bastante claro en como vemos Liberty City, una ciudad bastante gris y apagada en comparación a lo que se había mostrado en otros títulos de la saga

Great game, people say the driving physics are bad but if you get used to them it's very fun to drive around, also love the euphoria ragdolls it's funny as hell.

historia fraca... multiplayer cagado

Take it easy on the young ones my man!

niko's such a good character i sat through those repetitive ass missions to see how things turned out for him

finalmente joguei, e estou encantado com o jogo, gostei demais. a temática é muito legal, os personagens fora o Niko (que é excelente) são muito bons e o Roman é FANTÁSTICO.

Discordo de qualquer tentativa de dizer que esse jogo é superior ao gta V, pra mim ele é pior em quase tudo, MAS isso não quer dizer que o jogo seja ruim, ou algo do tipo, pra época ele foi absurdo, faz jus ao nome de GTA.

Achei a mecânica de escolhas capitais em determinados momentos do jogo muito interessante, gostei muito do sistema de sair com os amigos do Niko, dirigir no jogo é MUITO realista e quando pega jeito fica bom demais.

o principal ponto negativo foi que na versão que joguei (Xbox One versão 360) não tem checkpoint nas missões, perdeu/falhou/morreu: faz tudo de novo. MAS mesmo isso que me incomodou muito não me tirou a vontade de jogar, joguei muito, me diverti e foi uma experiência MUITO BOA.

Nova Iorque é irada demais.

NICOOOOO!!! MY COUSIN (planning to use his cousin)

Some bugs, but peak main character, awesome soundtrack and even better plot.

Aqui a rockstar tentou ir mt a frente do seu tempo, o que fodeu bastante a gameplay

Pretentious game design structured to shore up a sloppy shallow narrative. The loading screen music fucks though.

Fun game to mess around in, but story felt bland and unengaging.

um dos meus jogos favoritos, esse jogo não tem erros

mi gta favorito por lejos, un juego unico con sus colores que reflejan la historia (la mejor de la saga en mi opinion) me marcó mucho y me hizo muy feliz, no es perfecto solo pq no es algo tan rejugable mas alla de la historia

Just needs a little more color and a little less Roman. Also where the hell are the assets?

Personally my favorite in the series because of the realistic elements, a nice breath of fresh air from how wacky other open world crime games are. Plus there are two other campaigns to complete after the first one, a bang for your buck

Играл на слабом пк с глюками, ожидаю ремастер что бы пройти на Xbox

I went bowling with my cousin 10/10

Liberty City is an impressive recreation of New York, with distinct neighborhoods, detailed architecture and a lively atmosphere. The game features a darker, more realistic visual style, in contrast to the more colorful and stylized previous titles. The narrative is more mature and emotionally engaging, exploring themes such as betrayal, revenge and disillusionment. Niko is a complex protagonist, and the secondary characters are equally well-developed, providing a rich and multi-faceted plot. GTA IV introduces more realistic vehicle physics and an improved combat system. The gameplay is more refined, with a greater focus on realistic simulation, including character movement and interaction with the environment. The missions are varied, but often follow a linear format. Secondary activities and social interactions, such as hanging out with friends and dating, add depth to the gaming experience.

Grand Theft Auto IV is a game that combines a mature narrative with refined gameplay and a detailed world. The city of Liberty City is immersive and authentic, and Niko Bellic's story is engaging and well-constructed.

Rating: 7/10.

Yes cousin, I do want to go bowling. For you Roman? Anything

Chato e repetitivo, cheguei nas ultimas 20 missões e dropei. Adoro o mapa, os personagens, a história e a gameplay, mas as missões(cujo é o foco do jogo) são insuportáveis e eu não consegui continuar, talvez um dia eu volte e tente novamente, mas não irei mudar de opinião.