Reviews from

in the past

São poucos jogos que contam uma história tão bonita só através de mecânicas, Ueda criou um clássico atemporal aqui.

I was always curious about Team Ico and Fumito Ueda's highly praised trilogy, but truthfully what finally did it was hearing that my favourite creative director, Hidetaka Miyazaki, played Ico and was inspired to give up his day job to pursue games after it.

Ico is a platform adventure game in which you play the titular young Ico, who is left to rot in a castle for being born with horns. Instead of rotting away, you find a weird magic girl (Yorda) and go off on a quest to escape the wretched castle you're in, with evil forces attempting to stop you.

Reading up on it, it's fascinating to see what things this game revolutionised, light functions that didn't exist before Ico, the team's creative 'subtracting design' to keep the player's path focused, and the incredibly clever level designs & area puzzles. This game has inspired almost every major and minor game that came after it, and it's so easy to see why. It feels like there's a clear historical divide of pre-Ico games and post-Ico games, shaped by its world-changing innovations and creativity.

The game is incredibly charming in spite of its minimal narrative and dialogue. The feeling that courses through you when you discover a new path or solve a puzzle is like no other, and the castle's world feels incredibly vast and complex for a game that's 23 years old.

Ofc the game is imperfect (which feels like mostly part of an inevitable obstacle in hardware limitations that the developers had to deal with). There are moments where the jankiness leads you astray from obvious solutions for needless amounts of time, or enemy fights get very repetitive. But for a <10 hour game it's not only forgivable, but a contributing factor to its raw charm and underdog spirit.

Ico has fully got me on board for its successors. On to Shadow of the Colossus and the Last Guardian!

Se eu tivesse que usar um jogo pra "provar" que videogame é arte, seria esse aqui. Lindo e atemporal

imagina jogar isso aqui em 2001 pqp

Ico é uma pedrada atemporal, msm com os controles meio estranhos e a câmera extremamente duvidosa, esse jogo ainda é um absurdo e provavelmente sempre será

a ambientação, as músicas (PQP AS MÚSICAS SAO UM ABSURDO), os personagens, juntos compõem uma peça muito única, o que é padrão nós jogos do Ueda, assim como SOTC, não existe nada como isso aqui

esse jogo é especial, um jogo que, apesar de não ser super desconhecido e underground, nem de longe recebe o reconhecimento que merece

os cara tavam pensando muito na frente fazendo isso aqui, criaram um marco pra épocas deles e uma referência para o que veio depois, simplesmente incrível

PS: o que fizeram com a capa estadunidense disso é passível de prisão perpétua

- Nice puzzles
- A good ambiance and and atmosphere
- simple and Repetitive combat

I was so excited to try this one after playing Shadow of the Colossus. The art is amazing and the cover of this game is one of the most beautiful that I've seen for the PS2 (the surrealist one).

There's not much to do or to explore and the battles are extremely repetitive and boring. In terms of combat, it was similar to The Last Guardian and that was one of the things that I didn't like in the latter.

The game is short and the plot gives you this magical sensation, although it's not explained. It's not a bad game but I didn't find it good either. Like I said, it felt very repetitive (both in terms of playability and physical areas)

Se influenciou o Miyazaki você sabe q é no mínimo 10, jogo com uma vibe dificilmente replicável.

Genuinely beautiful game and the PAL artwork is absolutely gorgeous!

meu queridinho pelo seu aspecto artístico, e impacto na indústria dos jogos. Amo sua trilha sonora, efeitos sonoros. pode ter envelhecido mal por ter puzzles simples, mas acredito que seu gráfico defasado alimenta sua estética.
Dá pra andar de mãos dadas!

A huge escort mission engaged me all the way through.


very charming experience, but in terms of gameplay there isnt much there for me. maybe its a testament to its time, although i think ueda games tend to be a bit janky anyway. more than anything, ico has a very compelling narrative

The combat is so bad that i want to enter the game and beat the shit out of ICO with his stick

Otra obra de arte hecha juego...

Um dos poucos jogos que você pode pegar uma cópia japonesa, americana ou europeia e jogar sem problemas pois ele mal tem UI, as únicas opções durante o jogo vai ser na hora de salvar o game mesmo.

Much more tense that I had anticipated, but a great experience nonetheless. Ico explores its themes of bonding and persistence through the lense of a child trapped in this decaying castle, searching a way out amidst the ruins of a world that's seemingly hostile to that which he cares the most. To me the serene beauty of the enviroment is arguably the star of the show, but is permanently muddled by the constant threat of danger; you cannot leave Ico's companion Yorda alone for more than a couple of minutes without feeling worried, and calculating the distance between them in terms of seconds becomes a neccessity. The player is never quite free in their mind to meander around the castle and fully appreciate the artistry of its design. This is deliberate, of course, and its purpose gives your actions a weight that they would've otherwise lacked, perhaps. But here's my thing with Ico; I always had conceived it as a rather different experience, one more contemplative and calmer, one which just left you be in this magnificent place for the most part, one when you weren't rushed to solve anything by the ever present enemies lurking at every corner, and that's not the case. Sure, there's some momments here and there, but that's not the main thing the game's looking for, in my opinion, and this contrast became problematic to the mind of a person that had been wanting to play it for a good fifteen years.

Ultimately, even if I would've loved the game Ico was in my mind a lot more, it's hard to deny the merits the actual game has. It's almost like a horror game, the player's always on their toes, and while the combat is bad, intrusive and unceasing, it does gave a deeper meaning to the relationship between these two characters, makes the bond more solid. Anyway, the game's great and the sound design and the score are top notch, that alone makes it an obligatory play for everybody.

A game whose atmosphere is one of the best I have had the pleasure to experience in recent memory. Whose areas are memorable, solum, and beautiful. But whose linear, rather simple puzzles and lackluster combat hold it back a bit for me.

Thankfully it knows the perfect time to end itself, and manages to stay its welcome for just the right amount of time. A real treat.

First time I held another girl's hand

you have this game to thank for every first party PlayStation game for the past ten years

I too love Kojima but the fact that he is the darling auteur of gaming while Ueda is relatively unknown marks the entire reason why the gaming industry went the way of pseudo-Hollywood cinematic games instead of embracing strong interactivity aka gameplay.

Ico's gothic setting and haunting ambience sets the stage for a truly unique game which breaks tradition by trading a health bar for a ghostly girl who must be protected at all costs.

dialogue is insane in this game

Kind of a perfect game to come back to after a long kind of absence from the medium. It was so easy to find myself getting lost in the atmosphere of Ico. Even when I would personally get frustrated while playing I was to compose myself right away because everything else just felt so serene. Some of my favorite moments in the game were just jumping around and climbing the castle. With detailed sound design and beautiful visual direction to pair alongside each other.

However what I think what ultimately makes Ico so incredible is its narrative. Its interesting to play this after playing Shadow of the Colossus a while ago because I feel as though their stories are sort of different takes on a central theme. That being the "boy tries to save girl" found in a lot of video games and just stories in general. In Shadow of the Colossus Mono is already under her deep sleep and needs Wander to revive her. Resulting in a journey that he embarks on alone to save her. Whereas here in Ico Yorda is apart of our journey every step of the way. We have to fend off the shadow creatures in order to protect her. Even if these two aren't able to understand each other the simple gesture of holding onto each other is something far more powerful. Ico the boy who was destined to be scarified and Yorda the girl who was destined to be possessed by her evil mother. Coming together like that? How could I not tear up by the end?

incredible!! more games need a literal hand holding mechanic.

the game just felt incredibly magical, the whole time i was just stricken by awe & wonder, then the end tore me apart. there's something so special about games with very limited dialogue & music but still telling a powerful story. i loved that the puzzles were completely up to you, except a very few amount of times where yorda pointed something out to help me after many minutes of wondering around. sobbed my eyes out, now i'm ready for SotC ♥

I've noticed that games like Ico - games that commit their entire being to presenting a particular feeling or mood - are harmed even more by the slightest annoyances, since once the immersion is broken there's a good chance it has no more legs to stand on. At its best, Ico was a beautifully-woven fairytale world portraying the struggle and necessity of absolute trust between two complete strangers. At its worst? It couldn't make me feel anything.

There's a lot about this game that feels intentionally awkward in service of that mood - the difficult part is that the things that felt intentional are the bits I like the best! As an example, the combat isn't exactly "fun", and that seems to be a pretty major sticking point for a lot of others who dropped off the game - but my first few combat encounters were absolutely mesmerising. The weightless swings and the tendency of the shades to dodge and outmaneuver rather than overwhelm gave this delicate feel to the combat that perfectly complemented the aesthetic. But it's the little things I picked up on that *didn't* feel intentional - or specifically not in service of anything - that started to get to me. To use the same example, after a while I started noticing that some combat encounters took a wearily long time; as I later realised, shades that successfully 'capture' Yorda disappear into the same portal and seem to take a long time to reappear. You're bound to get knocked about and have her get dragged down at some point, but the feeling it gave off quickly changed - I'm not feeling tension for Yorda, I'm feeling annoyed because I have to wait around for the shade to come back. Parts of the game also felt like they had a *lot* of combat encounters - combine with the intentionally awkward combat and the previously-mentioned issue and I just groaned whenever I heard the cue.

I do want to make it clear that the combat is far from my only issue, and it was a pretty wide spread of minor annoyances that snapped me out of the experience it tried to convey. I just don't want to come off like I'm bashing this game. I have a lot of respect for it, despite my ultimate decision to drop it - I just wanted to express this feeling I've had welling ever since I tried Rain World last year, and Ico was just a much better vessel for doing so.

i understand ueda's design by subtraction philosophy from an artistic perspective but the result of it is combat and movement that suck donkey dick. similar to sotc the vibes are incredible but the gameplay is kinda ass


Para pensar: macarrones con tomat ICO

so fucking gorgeous never test my patience like this ever again

se pá talvez seja o que eu mais goste do fumitao