Reviews from

in the past

An oddly unique rhythm game that celebrates the franchise thus far and has story implications too, which is pure Kingdom Hearts.

Love the soundtrack, just not the type to play rhythm games.

I love the KH soundtracks. So this little rhythm game felt very relaxing and addicting.

bem simples mas é uma boa jornada pela trilha sonora da franquia que é uma das melhores ja feitas, sempre bom revisitar KH

That is the ultimate type of fanservice for any KH fans specially if you are into rhythm games (like me). The gameplay is unique but not in a quirky way and I love it!!! Team BBS ftw

The cosiest, the rhythm game of all time. This is one of my go-to's when I want to sit down and forget whatever I am thinking about. It's so nostalgic and good and a trip down memory lane.

still trying to get all three stars on each level! takes a bit of time getting used to but otherwise easy!

It's Theatrhythm but Kingdom Hearts and with some twist to the gameplay to make it different and action-ey.
I have to say: it works pretty well!

The game's existence could have been just a simple excuse for a re-cap and that's it, peace and love.
But nope: it's another piece of an over-convoluted puzzle that this goddamn franchise is.
When I thought the hype around of KH III would have been justified, all it took was a still on-going gacha and the announcement of this to fully confirm there was no escape.

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FICTION IS REAL WHAT DOES THAT EVEN MEAN I LOVE KINGDOM HEARTS it’s a decent rhythm game and KH music is fantastic. There’s some weird omissions, how do you not put anything from the Fantasia world in the music game, a lot of music from 3 getting shafted, no Gummi Ship music, regardless there’s lots of great stuff here. Story mode was fine, harmless cliff notes of the series and a good excuse to play everything on offer. Don’t think I’ll be rushing back to replay songs like crazy but by god it’s a Kingdom Hearts music game you’d have to try pretty hard to make it bad.

Fun game but every time I think of how Kairi is treated writing wise I get so mad. At least I got this for just $10

kairi is so cute but this game is too easy

i consistantly skipped every cut scene and i barely know anything about kingdom hearts (i only played days) but i still enjoyed my time with this. when i eventually play the games, i'll likely return to this game again. the music is really good though and i'll surely use the jukebox function a lot!

A rhythm game with KH music? Sounds amazing!

While simple, this rhythm game is a fun journey through memory lane through the amazing music of the series. Taking music from most every world and every major battle, as well as a few bonuses thrown in for a track list of over 100. Adding in all the special modes, and the story related Cutscenes at the end, and this is a kingdom hearts game anyone can enjoy. However, the lack of Pirates, the jungle book, and other songs missing from the list are noteworthy, and the fact it never got any dlc to add on to the track list is baffling.

cute and unique idea for a rhythm game :>

Solid rhythm game with some songs having very bizarre beat mapping. Overall good game, anyone playing it for the story is insane.

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Love this game! The characters, the music, the gameplay. Kingdom Hearts music is just so >chef's kiss< And a crumb of new lore at the end! Love Kairi, but pls let her hold her own in a fight, she's fully capable now! It was kinda neat to see that she still has a deep connection with Sora, to be able to call upon him like that. It's about time for Kairi to rise up and fight alongside Riku, or maybe Donald and Goofy.

Não precisava existir, mas é legal que existiu.
O conteúdo novo de lore é bacana.

Probably one of my favourite rhythm games.

Such a lovely homage and love letter to the series as well as endlessly fun.

combining some of the best music i've ever listened too with a rhythm game couldn't go wrong and it fucking doesn't. JUST GIVE ME KH4 NOW PLEASE I BEG

the fact this has real lore is so disheartening

I am by no means a rythm game player, I've tried Osu like once or twice, and played a fair bit of Beat Saber. It feels kind of unfair to say this is my favorite rythm game of all time but I mean yeah it is. I don't love how they did the KH3 stuff, and I'm not the biggest fan of some of the map designs. The story relevance it has on the franchise can probably be summed up in like one paragraph. Still, I had a lot of fun with this, and am pretty close to the platium. The track selection is great, I love how they have different teams, and I think that the way the gameplay works is mostly pretty clever.

Getting the platnium trophy was a fucking slog, and personally I like when my Rhythm games have a throughline to keep songs going so the world mode was nice. Killing 100,000 enemies for the final trophy was a ordeal, the final session taking 3 hours playing on the hardest difficulty to get the remaining 14,000ish left after getting all other trophies, to the point I was dozing off while playing

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The gameplay is a neat idea that is weird at first, but feels good and makes sense once you get used to it. I like the structure of the challenges (way more straightforward than in Theatrhythm) and I think the difficulty ramps up at a reasonable pace.

However, I hated the ending so much and it dragged everything down for me. They have Kairi on the front cover, but you can only play as her for 1/3 of the final level, and then she gets her ass kicked embarrassingly in a cutscene, so you can fight Xehanort as Sora. Again. And then the epilogue is to setup that she probably won't be in the next game?! Square truly hates Kairi so much, I don't understand why they can't just let her be a character that does stuff, like Axel, or Leon, or Riku's Meow Wow.

this game blows probably the worst rhythm game I've ever played