Reviews from

in the past

The improvements in years 5-7 were quite noticeable and appreciated. Hoping to go back eventually to 100% this one.

I think TT Games was definitely challenged here with these later movies being so complex, but I think they still did a good job keeping with the mumbling.

This game kinda stinks I liked the Lego figure I got that came with the game better than the actual game

the duelling system is shit.
the hub worlds are less appealing.

other then that it's literally LEGO Harry Potter 2 and im okay with that

I like the open world a lot for some reason,even if it has loading screens

more boring than the predecessor. but still pretty decent


Continuação do masterpiece, é simplesmente perfeito
É sempre muito bom jogar lego em um momento de tranquilidade

Fun game! Some of the puzzles are a bit obtuse and the final boss fight was very frustrating, but overall a fun co-op experience with your partner!

this one isnt even good or anything

Amo jogos Lego, e esse daqui tá mais lindo que o primeiro

Muito bom, muito divertido, muito engraçado, lego é lego, não existe nenhum jogo igual a LEGO

Basicamente a mesma coisa da review do 1-4. Só que esse eu joguei ainda mais, por algum motivo. Mas hoje não sei qual eu prefiro.

Huerfano muggle suena demasiado a slur

yall know i hate this franchise but dw i pirated this game so im allowed to say it was a little fun

So the big thing with the Harry Potter books back in the day was that the stories grew with the audience and got more mature as they went on. That's great for those reading them growing up, made for good movies overall, good times. A small problem then arises when the LEGO games need to be made. Ya see the first 4 movies translate really well to LEGO games. Debatable better than Star Wars. The issue then becomes that as the movies get more serious... It's very strange to make a LEGO game out of a serious dire film like Deathly Hallows and does not translate very well.

Esse pegou o primeiro e melhorou muito, vale muito a pena jogar para quem é fã da saga e fã dos jogos de lego

its a little better than 1-4 iirc but mostly the same

A person should take a stand for human rights and decency. Boycott transphobic creators.

el god of war desearia llegar tan lejos como llegó este juego (en mi corazón)

Esse é um jogo melhor que os dos Anos 1-4, é mais bonito e tudo mais. É bem divertido, vale a pena principalmente se você gosta de platinar jogos!
No level bonus tente não deixar sumir nenhum stud, senão vai ter que jogar mais de uma vez!

An excellent follow up to previous game and super fun to play, while I have never been that into the Harry Potter books or movies this is an exception, it improves on the previous game in all the right ways. Simply phenomenal.

Platinado, es muy divertido como es igual a las pelis.
Repasar los capitulos para recoger los platinados estuve entre entretenido y tedioso jaja pero si me gusto mucho el juego

Typical LEGO game in one of my favourite worlds.