Reviews from

in the past

It says a lot when the most fun I had with this was playing hide and seek on the Resistance Base hub world using the dual screen function of the Wii U with my younger brother. I remember a lot of the open world feeling empty and dull.

The worst open world in a Lego game, enough said

I think its a pretty enjoyable an charming lego game with some good and some bad its a really fun game just a good lego game that replicates the movie really well.

superfluous game but not too bad

This is, to date, my favorite lego game. It has cool explorable environments, a wide array of characters, and some unique mechanics that I really liked.

I don't know why i played this game so much back in the day.

This game is quite good despite all the problems with the movie its based around. Feels like a classic lego game. Very charming and fun. 100% it with my sister and enjoyed all but a few levels. Highs are high lows are low.

Um jogo bem medíocre que nem de perto era tão bom quanto me lembrava, tudo é muito chato lento e arrastado, sessões irritantes de QeTS, o jogo só começa no episódio 6 e vai pro 7 porque sim KDKSKKSKSKSKZ. Mas dá pra se divertir com um amigo mas de resto é extremamente esquecível e descartável.

This is such an average lego game

With the amount of filler this game had

This game is 4 times longer than the movie and it feels like it.

A good game on its own, but it feels like this is such a random game for LEGO to make, there really wasn't enough content to make a game based on just one film as opposed to waiting until the rest of the sequel trilogy came out but they still made a pretty good game.

Um dos meus legos star wars favoritos dos antigos!

I think my sister and I beat this.

Decepcionante, feito inteiramente para ganhar dinheiro, lançou após o filme VII sair, e meu deus, um jogo inteiro para um filme? Decepção TT games, decepção

Full priced Lego game that was made out of one movie. That alone gave very small room for content making a Lego game which did not contain enough story but still had all the aspects of other games making it a little empty. It was still good but no as good as games prior.

If Star Wars the force awakens is your favorite movie,
this game is for you

I do think people are a bit harsh on this game considering it's a solo adaptation of The Force Awakens, which is divisive (personally, it's boring, but inoffensive, and viewed as a solo film, it's fine)

Story-wise, it adapts The Force Awakens, and ONLY The Force Awakens. This means a LOT of padding where the previous games had some leeway in story.

Gameplay-wise, I did like the OTS segments and the "build what you want" parts, but the game being totally on-rails from beginning to finish with the rest of the movie really held it back.

Overall, just get The Skywalker Saga.

Not great, nowhere near the first one, it's just so ok, don't love it. Mid as fuck.

this didnt deserve to be an entire ass lego game just for one movie

Playable. only get it if you have no other platform to get it on.