Reviews from

in the past

Succubus gostosa do inferno que chupa pau, buceta, mata demonio, mata criança e mata o baphomet, gostei da jogabilidade, cenários bem feitos representando o inferno, progressão simples que dar pra passar o tempo jogando pra fazer 100% de boa, recomendo na promo bem barato

don't ask me idk why did i play this game . but bro 120 gb what the ..

Succubus is a first person action game designed by Polish studio Madmind as a sequel in the universe of Agony. Players take control of the demonic Succubus, a female creature whose ruthless protagonist's goal is to use her magical powers to explore hell and battle demons. The story is that the bored queen Succubus explores hell but is captured by demons who serve Baphomet. The queen is wounded in the process but manages to escape, surviving their hands, and when she regains consciousness embarks on a bloody quest for revenge against her tormentors, a journey that will push the limits of the game's violence and sexuality.

There's absolutely zero chance a game with "Abortion minigames" option in the settings will be bad.
OK, this was mid, but it was fun. You can kill demons and look down to see your tits. I don't know what else I can expect from a game like this. (a lot, but let's leave it at that)