Reviews from

in the past

single-player MMO...accidentally made my ArFA-Sys fall in love with me and that was the nail in the coffin for me.

Even for an anime game this was weird cause wdym I get to be Kirito's personal twink.

This would have been more enjoyable if my mates played it with me. Was decently fun for the time I played it, loved my CaC

Uma gameplay muito divertida, porém que após algumas boas horas de jogo se torna um tanto repetitiva. Além do mais, a história desse jogo é bem idiota.

so fun, i love this game. nearly one of my favourites ever

surprisingly good game, but not anything to love

Atl I'm not playing as that self-insert. How I care more about Joker from Persona 5 than him is beyond me.

Really grindy and extremely repetitive I genuinely don't know how people like the game as much as they did but....good for them ig. Me personally, I wasn't a major fan of it. That's not to say I hated it but my enjoyment was quite short lived

Uma das piores merdas que já joguei, literalmente tudo é uma bosta tirando poderes ter uma minigun rosa. O main lobby é polígonos que até um ps1 roda, a história de SAO já é uma merda então aqui de alguma forma conseguiram piorar. Animações vindas do Nintendo 64 e as roupas.........Era preferível terem só colocado Hentai the game no título. Gameplay repetitiva e com mapas mais desertos que a antartida

Game is surprisingly fun, even if it's not super good. Shame it has a story. At least it doesn't force you to play as Kirito though so that's pretty cool.

I dropped this game after my friend said: Yoo is that school shooting simulator?

Strea's gatling gun does not save the game :'(

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An interesting entry to the SAO game saga. And because it is so interesting we have to examine it from a different angle. Y'know, 'cause it's a shooter instead of the original sword fighting game. Well now that you think of it nothing changed except they replaced swords with guns. You can still see the same flashing numbers on the screen when you deal damage.

Combat is somewhat fun. At least for me the combat made me feel like I was actually in GGO. But the story??? So god damn easily forgettable. Like sure everybody who played this game to the end knows that they decided to bring up NerveGear back. Memorable but so unoriginal.

In a nutshell: I had too much fun with the sword in a shooter game 🥶