Reviews from

in the past

It drags on a bit, but it's still such a good game with a timeless artstyle

It will be very hard for another Zelda to be better than windwaker. You can add as much freedom and open world you want to your game, but the feeling of going into the ocean , with your map and the sea and just exploring arround wont ever get duplicated. The game is visually incredible, and every mission, object, mechanic, character, rule. Nintendo made one of the best adventure games ever with this title, and im pleased the remake is as good if not better than the original

this is just wind waker but it doesn't look as good and the soundtrack is a bit worse. that said it's still wind waker

this is my favourite zelda game

This game makes my bladder ever so sore. 3 updoots from Bartholomew Burger

“But, since we're all gonna die, there's one more secret I feel I have to share with you: I did not care for The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker.”


“Did not care for Wind Waker.”

“How can you even say that, Dad?”

“Didn't like... didn't like it.”

“Peter, it's so good. It's like the perfect adventure game.”

“This is what everyone always says whenever...”

“Eiji Aonuma, Takashi Tezuka... I mean, you never see... Koji Kondo!”

“I know. Great, great composer. Did not like the game.”

“Why not?”

“Couldn't get into it.”

“Explain yourself. What didn't you like about it?”

“It insists upon itself, Lois.”


“It insists upon itself.”

“What does that even mean?”

“'Cause it has a valid point to make, it's insistent!”

“It takes forever getting in, and then you go through this really terrible stealth section, and then, I can't even get through it. I can't even finish the game. I've never even seen the ending.”

“You've never seen the ending?!”

“How can you say you don't like it if you haven't even given it a chance?”

“I agree with Stewie. It's not really fair.”

“I have tried, on three separate occasions, to get through it, and I... I get to the part where you have to power up the Master Sword…”

“Yeah. That's a great part. I love that scene.”

“It's noted in every annal.”

“And you’re just going from place to place through the dungeons. Like, it’s really repetitive and the stuff you’re doing isn’t that interesting. That's why I lose interest and I go away.”

“It’s giving you freedom of exploration!”

“It’s offering you a wonderous adventure through a magical world, something you don't understand.”

“I love Link’s Awakening. That is my answer to that statement.”


“Well, there you go.”


“I like that game, too.”

nintendo make a switch port or you will cough in 7 days.

Wind Waker had been my favorite Zelda title since long before this remake was announced. my teenage heart damn near exploded when this game was announced, and i couldn't wait to get my hand on it. the original's charming art style suffers a bit from the new coat of "HD" shading applied to it, but that's about all i can say to detract from it, the rest of the game is a straight upgrade from its original, and leaves little reason to return to it outside of nostalgia purposes. Wind Waker's sense of adventure, exploration, and wonder remains intact and just as pleasantly enjoyable as it was 10 years prior, and even to 20 years to today.

More than any other Zelda game, this is ahead of its time. A game that is all about passing the world onto another generation passes itself onto the future generations of the Zelda series and video games

Not much of a review since it has been a few years since I last played, but great game. Loved the music, art direction (maybe og is better, will be what I play when I replay WW), gameplay, and characters/story were fun. While having some tedious parts I'd still call this my favorite Zelda game out of the ones I've played so far.

Windwaker my beloved...
This is always gonna be my favorite 3d zelda cause I played the shit out of it as a kid

Very good and immensely underrated Zelda game

Having the map and stuff on the Wii U gamepad is great! I need to play more.

My 3rd or 4th replay, I don't remember correctly but it's still as good as always

I'm gonna level with you guys. I like Wind Waker a lot, but this game is just a little bit boring.
On my second playthrough I decided to fill out the map, but that was only because I felt like it. Having played it on stream for my 3rd playthrough, I realized that so much of what you do for the game's main content is so dry, which is not at all helped by the fact that the dungeons (the best parts), are short in both number and length.

Jogo maravilhoso. Está cada vez mais difícil de escolher o melhor Zelda.

This review contains spoilers

This was a great game. There where stealth mechanics, sword and shield combat, puzzles, ocean navigation, secrets galore, so many movement mechanics with missions for them, memorable bosses and enemies, and great soundtrack!! The story was good too! That being said I had to rely on an online guide for nearly the entire second half of the game! I know it's an old game, but man some parts I would never have figured out! Like gannons sword falling in the direction your supposed to go next, or how the F to find the chart for the ghost ship, or how to understand that chart, or where to find the damn Joy Pendants, or to know that these little joy pendant missions were actually going to lead me to a triforce fragment, the whole tinkle chart, and triforce shard part was meh. I liked the fish that filled your map for food, it was cool seeing beetle ( I know him only from Breath of the Wild), I loved the skeletal insect boss, the the sand snake boss, well all of them really. The ghost one was easy but fun. The characters where corny but still fun. The temples were so different and fun. The god temple with reflecting light, the rock temple and controlling the Korak!! The wind temple had you controlling a flying character. The Forsaken Fortress with the spotlights and wall skimming was cool. The deku tree and the forbidden woods, the tower of the gods.I love the swinging on light fixtures, the ship being a character was awesome, the orchestral patterns to use magic was very cool! I didn't realize for the longest time you could expand your Rupee bag, and I always had the max(500 rupees) so doing side stuff didn't matter because the reward was more rupees. Once I visited the fairies and expanded it though I started doing side things, expanding my map, and exploring. The story with the pirates was pretty cool, I liked the hide and seek game you do at Windfall Island. This game had so much character! The ending was a lot of fun too. Great writing, colorful, goofy, good music, good times. Just wish I could have nixed the damn online guide. Still a great experience!

Inicialmente não tem como não reparar no estilo de arte fantástico desse jogo, vi que a recepção na época do lançamento não foi muita boa por conta dos gráficos cartunescos mas eu particularmente achei incrível, o design dos personagens e do mundo no geral é belíssimo.

Sobre a narrativa, ela é um dos pontos que eu mais gostei de Wind Waker, os personagens são muito carismáticos (já virou padrão da franquia) e os temas abordados na história são bem interessantes. Acho que Wild Waker tem o meu Link favorito.

A gameplay do jogo é bem simples, com certeza é um dos zeldas mais fáceis que eu já joguei em questão de combate e puzzles mas não vejo isso como um ponto negativo do jogo. Wild Waker tem seu destaque na exploração, a sensação que senti navegando por aquele mar vasto e azul é algo que eu não consigo descrever em palavras, foi um sentimento muito bom, porém, o conteúdo das ilhas varia bastante em qualidade e é preciso ter um pouco de paciência em alguns momentos com o backtracking do jogo, principalmente na fatídica quest da triforce.

Apesar de tudo, Wind Waker foi uma experiência muito gratificante, pois não esperava muita coisa e no fim acabei sendo surpreendido com mais uma aventura divertida que colocou um sorriso no meu rosto em muitos momentos. É facilmente um dos meus jogos Zelda favoritos.

Just made it even more beautiful with the HD grafics

Which Zelda game has the best artstyle and why is it this one?

Não tem como não gostar da batuta do vento

Pode não ser melhor que os favoritinhos como OOT e BOTW mas é uma peça rara na franquia

se difere do seu jeito e tem UMA ARTE IMPECÁVEL

Meu The Legend Of Zelda favorito

Same opinions as with the original but the improvement on the controls and visuals make this a much better experience.

Esta versión para WII-U mejora alguna de las cosas que eran un poco incordiosas como la inclusión de la vela veloz y la facilidad de ver el mapa desde el pad.
En si el juego es el mismo a parte de ser una revision en HD, y que en su época de los 2000 un juego que la gente no apreció por su apartado artístico.
Una obra de arte como otras.

Mi Zelda favorito, el primero que conocí y el que más me gusta rejugar por los recuerdos que me trae.


got busy with college, when i'd try to hop on it was hard knowing what i was doing. I liked the dungeons, they were challenging but i could still figure them out, but I did get a bit bored of the formula near the end of my run. i liked the story and wish i could experience it more.