1 review liked by 18ninjadog

I played - the open beta I think (must have been, I wasn't old enough to buy games on my own). I think this was entirely a roleplaying game: you would join one of several military-esque organizations, staffed by real players, and have to succeed in missions or tasks (stuff like raids?) and participate to climb the ranks.

I can't remember to what extent you were promoted by purely human players, but the game felt very hang-out-able in a strange way. For me at the time it was fun to pretend to be in some kind of organization, with our main base, defending it from aliens and other players. Raiding other towns was fun.

I was in the "Guardians of Mankind" (lol) and the planet was called "Aquatica". I found this video of it: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tQ48sQ5sXRc . Pretty plain looking now, but I remember the outdoors terrace was fun to hang out in.

The game was often empty, so it was fun to just explore other organizations' worlds. Early versions of the game had interesting animation and collision bugs, so you could explore out of bounds sometimes. The dreary, space-ship-esque worlds were full of empty, arguably pointless spaces, and my time playing remains memorable to this day!

I appreciated the amount of mystery within systems that seemed unfinished. For example, in my team's home base, there were rooms with passcodes that stored alien eggs and other items. You played a minigame? to unlock them and if you failed, it triggered a base-wide alarm.

The worlds were also relatively small enough to run around and remember the layouts of... also you had bedrooms. I think I only played for a few months, and don't remember anyone who played, but it was an interesting time!