Kid Chameleon is one of those games that I'd play as a sort of "shut your brain off" kinda deal. Sure it isn't the biggest shot, it's more of a dud. The gameplay is there, and it can be fun, but eventually it starts to become a bit too stale, and since the game has 100+ levels, which out of that count, you go through atleast 71 of them, it starts to drag on, and if you're doing a full run of the total 103 levels, you're in for a marathon, because the game doesn't even have a password system, or a save systen if you prefer that over the former. Other than that, I wished they could do more with the levels, you know, make 'em more unique. But I understand that life is hard when you're a Sega Genesis game released in 1992 with over 103 levels (not accounting for the cut "The Crypt" levels). Overall, you can play the game just fine, maybe as a one-and-done, "shut your brain off" kinda deal. Just be ready for some shortcomings and the ocassional blandly designed level.

I really liked this game as a kid, when I played it it was available on Sonic's Ultimate Genesis Collection on the PS3. But looking back at it, well... Yeah, the devteam could have used a bit more time and effort to polish it, especially with the levels, so it doesnt feel like it's dragging off forever.

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2023
