really wasn't feelin this one, felt like SC1 with QOL improvements but with shittier level design

Honestly, this was a pretty solid platformer. The writing is solid and the environments look really good for the time.

The combat and some of the platforming challenges towards the end kinda suck, and the last boss is especially a let down but it still ends up sticking the landing.

I Love this game waaay too much, it's Def a 3/5 but oh my god something about this dumb dungeon crawler is so goddamn charming. Can't wait to replay this

Genuinely one of the best stealth games ever made, tight level design, amazing movement a staggering amount of differing paths and playstyles to use, my only real complaint is that aiming and shooting feels like a dice roll and the game front loads its best levels all at the start making the later levels feel a little worse in comparison.