I want to make it clear for the record I've actually completed way more games than I've actually listed as completed/played, hence why the very small collection of games I have rated here I can actually feel confident in rating. That being said, most of what I have completed is either back in my backlog to replay, I don't remember enough to actually rate them confidently, or I've just legit forgotten about which is why they're not there in the first place. And also I wouldn't 100% take my ratings as they are as 100% gospel even now as with how much more I wanna explore they can change on a dime, I'm not a fan of stars in the first place and I prefer #.5/10 type ratings as it gives a more accurate summarization of my thoughts imo, and as I plan to do reviews you can look at those for my actual ratings.
Personal Ratings


Total Games Played


Played in 2024


Games Backloggd