when i was like 5 or 6 (2009/2010) i decided to torrent this game from a hungarian private tracker where my family had an account to get movies, shows, books and whatnot;
i got the game working by myself and all, but my young self thought that it was performing like crap and the instructions provided in the torrent upload were awful
so what came next? i went on the torrent upload's comment section and swore the crap out of the torrent's uploader (in clear hungarian, which is a god-awfully hard language and even more difficult to spell things, but i did all of this at like 5 or 6 years old), calling him an idiot and his upload absolute garbage
what i did not know was the fact that the tracker's admins gave the account a warning just for that
i discovered the warning incident has occurred only like 2 or 3 years later and my whole family heard that i did such a thing online; they all laughed it out but i remember being incredibly scared for what's next and i was constantly red

this is one of those stories that i have to tell once in a while and it is quite clear that it has left quite the mark on me, all thanks to this DAMN GAME

besides the silly story, i have some nice memories playing the game itself and i've replayed it and finished it multiple times

Reviewed on Apr 26, 2024
