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1 day

Last played

April 29, 2021

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Yup portals. Alot of these puzzles are real tricky but not overly complicated once you understand how the time portal mechanic works. There were many times that I would just put the game down and come back to it later with a fresher mind, which I would like to think implies a good deal of thinking about what I'm looking at, which I would like to think implies a good puzzle since I don't have a more formal criteria with which to describe what a good puzzle actually is.

The pacing of re-introducing elements from Portal 2 like lasers and lightbridges was fine, tho a sense of a difficulty curve is rather absent. You'll probably spend more time thinking on most of the puzzles in the first 7 chambers than you will on chamber 24 (there are 25 chambers btw)

The writing, NOT FUNNY. However the VA was fine and it was in the spirit of Portal 2 and Portal-based humor from the early 2010's, so while not the best execution it didn't really grate on me and I think the experience would have been emptier had the attempt not been there.

Overall I give this a "yeah, go give it a try, it's free anyway as long as you own Portal 2"/10