What's more to say about OneShot? It's a cute rpgmaker game guiding a young cat-person, Niko, through a dying world and also the computer program talks to you. Very pretty game, the art and soundtrack creates some pretty potent vibes, and all the characters are likable. The game kind of hinges on you caring about Niko and that is definitely easy enough to do.

There is only one, maybe two puzzles that can legitamately give pause on how to solve, most of the time the puzzles are more about finding the keys than figuring out any mechanism or what not. You'll pick up a screwdriver at one place, "ah I'll have to figure out what to do with this", then not too far you'll find a camera and the item description is all like "A broken camera with a large submissive and unscrewable lens". All of this is completely fine tho, I did get a bit stumped at one point because it took me a bit long to find the bathroom in one area, that's my bad I think tho.

There's one aspect that I was wondering how to talk about but I ended up coming across the steam page (pretty sure I got the game off Itch) and found that they pretty much did it for me "CONTENT WARNING Although OneShot is not a horror game in the traditional sense, parts of the game may induce some paranoia. Please proceed with caution." Basically if you're a bitch like me that gets massively stressed over the implication that something might happen, then yeah like I said before, this game creates some potent vibes and stress-inducing dread is definitely one of them.

Can't say that all of its themes are executed perfectly but such is the case with many works, it's all good for the most part anyway. Overall it's a pretty lovely game that doesn't overstay its welcome.

Thanks to XenonXV for recommending me this game, it was sitting on my hard-drive for about over a year now

Reviewed on Nov 01, 2021
