I was never the biggest fan of 64 in the first place, Sunshine has always been kinda jank but having it on new hardware is nice, and the changes to Galaxy debatably make this version the definitive one, but there are too many mishaps around this games release that just can't be ignored.

Why is it so expensive. Why was it only available for a year. Why aren't they sold separately. And WHY, is GALAXY 2, one of THE MOST IMPORTANT GAMES I'VE EVER PLAYED, COMPLETELY NEGLECTED. I get that the last point is very personal and kind of only relates to me but having one of the main 3D MARIO games, missing from super mario 3D ALL STARS, completely absent is INEXCUSABLE. Here's hoping the success of the recent Metroid Prime remaster and Kirby Return to Dreamland Remake can change Nintendos mindset so we don't end up with lackluster ports like this again.

Reviewed on Feb 26, 2023
