Super Mario Bros. Wonder is easily one of---if not my favorite Mario game, at least concerning the 2D entries.

The controls feel so incredibly nice and tight, easily my favorite control in a Mario game. The game has such a vibrant and beautifully designed presentation, and I absolutely adore this game's art direction and style; with such attention to detail to something as simple as Mario going in or out of a warp pipe.

The level design in this is really creative and innovative, and I absolutely loved the gimmick of the Wonder Flower, and seeing what ridiculous or silly aspect it would change the level into. I also really enjoyed the badge system in the game, and how it gave you so many different ways to play and approach the game, with my favorites being the parachute cap and grappling vine. The new power ups in this were fun as well; my favorite being the bubble flower because I really liked trying to use the bubbles as platforms (though I wasn't very good at it lmao). The music in this game is also really great too, whether it be the world themes, level themes, or even the occasional remixes I would often find myself enjoying.

I'd honestly say the game's biggest downside for me would be the bosses. I really liked the final boss, but the airship bosses were a bit of a let down. I did like some of the Bowser Jr. fights, but it is a shame that he was the only boss for the castles though, not much variety in terms of that. It's also a shame too that they removed player collision with this in multiplayer. I get why they did it, to prevent the chaos could happen during multiplayer (it could be pretty frustrating at times bouncing off each other's heads lmao). Personally, I played through the game through Co-Op myself and I didn't mind there being no collision, but still I think it would've been nice for them to have made that a toggle for those to turn it on or off at their leisure, especially since the chaotic nature of multiplayer Mario could be fun and also hilarious lmao.

But yeah, other than those few gripes, absolutely fantastic Mario game and platformer in general. I really hope they keep going in this direction with 2D Mario games because I really enjoyed playing this one, and I could easily see myself replaying it in the future.

Reviewed on Nov 20, 2023
