This game had potential. The amount of repeated enemies with different color palates are numerous. Enemies are also really easy. Like, so much so, that there's kinda no point in this even being an action rpg. They're really tanky, you can't hit stun them unless you inflict break on them, and you have no way of knowing how close you are to actually getting them to break. Enemies fall out of your air juggles constantly, like all the time. Your skill tree upgrades are pretty fucking worthless. Most are very situational, and the semi useful ones don't actually tell you how much they increase things by. You know how elden ring bosses have insane tracking? Yea, this game is the complete opposite, nothing hits you. You have a dodge roll that can be used to avoid attacks, but you can just walk to the right or left and avoid mostly everything.

The story is pretty strange. I've played about 8 hours and for a game about freeing slaves and being oppressed by tyrants, it sure does not have that tone at all. It kinda has no tone at all. As I am writing this, I'm pretty stuck on trying to think about the tone or much else of the story. Like I know the general premise, but the story doesn't do much elaborating on the world, and the environments are pretty bland. One of my favorite rpgs, FF13, doesn't do much world building at all, but it does focus in on the characters stories. This game seems intent on making us forget about the main characters stories so they can info dump us near the end. Then what we're left with is the minuscule amount of world building and focusing on characters that I personally did not care for as the game made them sit in the background for a good chunk of the game. It's also really predictable, maybe I just played too many stupid anime games, but I could predict this game like I was in the future.

As this is my first game in the tales series, people have said others are better and I will be playing those, In particular, Tales of Berseria.

Reviewed on Mar 01, 2024
