Ughhhhhh I did so well almost the entire game and then on the LAST CHAPTER, I lost two of my people. Coincidentally both the girls. 😭

Being a career Navy sailor myself, I particularly really enjoyed the nautical setting and general vibe of this one. Good, infrequent jump scares and well-placed QTEs got my heart rate up more than once. I also liked the main characters quite a bit. The story itself within the setting and the villains are not written very well, though, and despite the great graphics and immersive atmosphere, movement was so stiff and slow that it frustrated me at times. I'm also not sold on the premonitions being much of a help. I wish that finding them was tough and the reward was a legit piece of information to help you avoid disaster. Overall, a very solid follow-up to Until Dawn. Excited to see what the rest of the anthology has in store.

Reviewed on Apr 16, 2022
