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Oh boy... It's basically a 2D Dark Souls or probably more a 2D Bloodborne.

The Artstyle and world a very stunning and wonderful to play in.
The gameplay is clunky at some times but overall it does work pretty well after you get used to it.
The performance on PS4 is bad...for a game with this artstyle I wasn't expecting so many frame drops.

The Bosses are were it's at. Nearly every Boss is beatifully designed and is a joy to fight.
The problem is that even with max level the normal enemies are more a threat than the bosses themselfs. If you are not skilling Strenght at the beginning than good luck finding a weapon that does enough damage. The game wants you to parry so get used to the small time window to parry.

It was still fun at times but after I finished it I will never touch it again.