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Honestly, I'm just speechless right now.

I haven't looked anything up after completing the game (it's been like 2 hours since I beat the game).

I chose the teachers route because every other route just sounded terrible. The plot was just a plot nothing really that interesting I must say, but I love the combat system.

I love the press turn battle system. Buffs and debuffs reign supreme, like always. Had no problems battle wise, except for one of the last bosses, where they resisted everything except Electric. This might be a skill issue because I hated the demon negotiations in this game and refused to do them after like 10 hours, but at that point in the game, I essentially only had Zandyne, so it was just really annoying. To top it off, I used a physical build, which was fun, except where a majority of the late game bosses started to just reflect or resist physical entirely. But the other bosses were fine, just had to buff and debuff.

Now dungeons.. I will admit, there are some really good dungeons that I enjoyed like Yoyogi Park and Kabukicho. But seriously, the Kaiwan Maze puzzle was complete dogwater. That was probably some of the worst dungeon design I have ever seen, on top of getting encounters like every 15 steps. That's one single dungeon made me stop playing the game for like an entire week and probably knocks a star and a half off of the rating.

However, overall I really enjoyed the game, especially coming from someone who's played persona and likes the persona combat, this series just offers a more challenging time.

ALSO I HATE BAAL AVATAR STUPID BOSS (skill issue probably).

Reviewed on May 10, 2024

1 Comment

25 days ago

nah Baal Avatar is just a bitch