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It's not a common thing for me to be effected by games to this degree. I just don't get emotional over fiction, some of the most sad movies tend to not get to me. THIS is different, this message is everything that I should be okay hearing, and yet the first time I read it, it hit pretty light a few days later, and its hitting hard.

Feelings I didn't realize could even be felt over fiction, are being felt, and I need to change the rating of Superliminal solely off of the emotion after the fact. It is a deceptively simple game, as the real game is played for that monologue, that ending speech. Given a lot I use games to calm me down, to feel in control, and to have this game turn and call me on that very thing, is getting to me in a really good way.

This is unironically a game that anyone suffering with anxiety, depression, anything really, should play, its a quick playthrough (unless you're me).

Reviewed on May 14, 2024
