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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

November 1, 2022

Platforms Played


I've played through the first and second game in this series again on my PS5 courtesy of PS+ and the games being free because I bought the original trilogy for a dollar each in a flash sale during the PS3 days.

I loved these games back in the day, but man, they've aged like shit unfortunately. The controls are SO slippery and unwieldy, which makes gunfights a chore in general. Not to mention that enemies have a habit of ambushing you out of nowhere, so it's hard to contend with sudden combat encounters when aiming the reticle is akin to skating on ice while under the influence of a crate of Jack Daniels. The story is bog-standard Tom Clancy-wannabe guff, the actor for the Gabe Logan always talks like he is in fast forward and it's often unclear how you're supposed to carry out objectives exactly. I often had to resort to a Youtube playthrough to know what to do next.

There are plenty of games from the PS1 era that I can revisit and enjoy in this modern age. Syphon Filter 2 is not one of them.