Gonna be honest and say that I really don't care much for Chrono Trigger. I loved playing through it when I was 14 or 15 years old and then forgot about it very shortly after beating it, which to me speaks to it being a piece of media that is very impressive on the surface but ultimately doesn't have a lot to deliver on otherwise (of course this is coming from someone who hasn't played it all the way through in close to a decade). It's a nice cast of characters, it's well-paced, beautiful score, yada yada yada; people talk about it being a "perfect" game but I don't care much for "perfect" games, just as how I don't care for "perfect" films. Raw, wildly ambitious projects mixed with deeply personal narratives that are also very flawed (i.e Xenogears) are far more interesting and important to me than a game that's really well-designed and whatnot.

Radical Dreamers strikes me as the kind of project that holds in that same vein; though it's essentially a side-project, it also holds measurable ambition within it that's bursting from the seams of its visual-novel structure (and all on an add-on for the SNES no less). The repetition that comes with going through the same dialogue/multiple choice screens is a bit annoying but also somehow comforting, you gain a very intimate knowledge of the castle's layout despite it being conveyed through text, and the hints of the larger world outside the confines of Viper Manor speak to a desire to render that world, these feelings of loss and a desperate flailing against death, in a manner that the SNES could not convey and would eventually be made manifest in Chrono Cross. The writing itself is wonderful; this is the first VN I've ever really completed and while I don't care for its connections to Trigger it was the characters and the sulky, gothic tone and design that kept me interested. The ending is genuinely mind-blowing in the way that all my favorite pieces of art are, a wistful reflection on time stretched before you, contextualized by a moment where you broke into a dude's mansion to impress a girl you liked. Those are really the only important ideas for any piece of art to tackle: love, death and time, so all of that makes this a special game in its own right. May expand my thoughts on this here as I think on it.

Reviewed on May 04, 2021


3 years ago

Glad to see someone else be on the sincerity>mechanical perfection train. Anyway nice review, I wish you posted more cause I really enjoy seeing what you have to say.

3 years ago

@Pikadourei thank you, I really appreciate that! Same for you as well. Work and other stuff got in the way a bit but now I'm looking to be playing more games and writing more as well. Sincerity > Mechanical Perfection train is a top class train imo

2 years ago

We have a similar sensibility regarding art. I'm looking forward to this game.

2 years ago

@Raphael good to know other like-mindeds! Looking forward to when it comes out on steam as well

1 year ago

THANK YOU, I wasn't really intro Chrono Trigger either, it's just a charming adventure with cute gameplay but the characthers just solve everything including their own personal problems that lead them to be what they are now (Lucca being a scientist because of her mother's accident) with the time travel plot device. It becomes boring story wise and doesn't have the urgency other RPGs would make you feel

This one did grab my interest