“You know what would be a good idea? Let’s have the same format for the first 3 jails, that won’t get boring quick at all” seriously those first 3 jails were a chore to get through, they offered nothing more than to retread previous character arcs the characters had in the base game, well except for the third one and Haru (they still used the same format but at least they gave her a uniquish character arc in comparison) after that you get the 4th and 5th jail which honestly is the peak of the game but they’re so short that they might as well be equated to 2 mini jails instead of a full new one. The last 2 jails just retread base 5’s ending and the 6th one especially being just the 3rd semester but bad lmfao. The 7th is just Yaldabaoth again which I didn’t even like Yaldabaoth in the base game let alone a second one that’s retreading the exact same themes as the first one

Reviewed on Feb 06, 2022
