Log Status






Time Played

33h 0m

Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

February 12, 2024

Platforms Played


I don't know why I avoided Sekiro that much, was it because I feared that it would be too difficult for me to handle?

Idk, but I really had a blast with this game (I still need to do the extra stuff too of course, will re-review the game after I do)

For my first impressions, Sekiro has a steep difficulty curve, but if you start learning and practicing all the game mechanics the game gives you, you start breezing off the game.

There are times I did frustrate myself, but I did not realize I was not even using half the game mechanics, and when I started doing so, I felt like an unstoppable force.

Sekiro is a game of calculating your risks and battles, where even the most meh mobs can crush you if you're too cocky, and some mobs can be a steep difficulty spike (like the Blue Samurais at a certain location)

But instead of stubbornly trying to solve everything with unrelentless barrage of attacks, I decided to study my enemies so that I could defeat them, which worked wonders, specially the more I played, and after a while, the frustration turns into a giggle when I finally defeat enemies or even bosses that gave me trouble, From Software game's feeling of victory is unmatched to this day.

Owl/10 would get Mikiri Countered again.