Movie tie-in games have a reputation of being at best okay and at worst just straight up lazy. Going into this (especially as a Green Lantern fanatic) I had extremely low expectations due to this tying into the 2011 Green Lantern movie.

But honestly this surprised me with how “okay” it was. Its gameplay is pretty decent, as a stripped down God of War (the originals) clone can get really.

Combat is mostly satisfying, abilities are fun and pretty varied. Although it can be sluggish at times and the fact you can’t fly seems pretty weird. It could’ve even just worked like the Lego superhero games do.

The story is probably the biggest shocker in terms of surpassing expectations. It’s no Last of Us or even Uncharted 1, but it’s cohesive and has a pretty decent villain. It’s the expanded universe that I really appreciated. It takes concepts such as the other colours in the emotional spectrum and I’m just surprised they’d even be mentioned. Although they don’t really develop those ideas past the surface level of just showing they exist. Again, the story isn’t really “good” it’s just surprisingly better than “okay”.

I can’t recommend this for anyone other than die-hard comic fans or someone who just wants a mind-less hack’n-slash. But overall I give this a “Brightest Day” rather than a “Blackest Night”.

Reviewed on Dec 08, 2023
