A fine-tuned remix of a classic masterpiece. It's sharp, quick, and pulpy as we've come to expect of this new era of Resident Evil. I'm a big fan of how they've upped the viscera; blood gushes and limbs fly.

I'm not sure if it's because I'm so unused to shooters with a controller, but I found this to be a much more difficult experience than the original. Maybe I'm just getting worse at games. Either way, I was on the edge of a knife constantly. Running out of ammo and health, mad-dashing to find any peace within some of the arenas for just a second.

There are pieces of this that surpass the original. It ups the intensity of almost every encounter, makes Ashley and Luis much better characters, has an obvious fidelity upgrade, and adds some much welcomed movement improvements. Not to mention hotkeyed weapons. I loved this and I'll be playing it at least a couple times more, no doubt. Overall I prefer the original game. It's one I couldn't shake and while this is not a necessary remake, it's an extremely pleasant and sturdy one.

Reviewed on Mar 31, 2023
