Resident Evil 4

released on Mar 24, 2023

A remake of Resident Evil 4

Resident Evil 4 is a remake of the 2005 original Resident Evil 4 reimagined for 2023 to bring state-of-the-art survival horror. Resident Evil 4 preserves the essence of the original game, while introducing modernized gameplay, a reimagined storyline, and vividly detailed graphics to make this the latest survival horror game where life and death, terror and catharsis intersect.

Also in series

Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways
Resident Evil 4: Separate Ways
Resident Evil 4 VR
Resident Evil 4 VR
Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Village
Resident Evil Resistance
Resident Evil Resistance
Resident Evil 3
Resident Evil 3

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This is a skin walker game. It looks and feels like Resident Evil 4 on a casual playthrough but the deeper you go, the more you notice the contemporary design choices that make it more in line with other mediocre AAA action games. It is a bad sign when I feel this game reminds me more of Dad of War than Resident Evil 4.

The surface level critique of this game always comes down to its tone and art direction. I played the original back in 2020, and even then I was completely allured by that spooky Halloweentown feel of the original. It fell apart in the island segment when it started to look more like every generic military shooter, and the entirety of Remake felt more in line with that part. I think the primitive graphics helped the original a bit, the kind of barren feel of the village somewhat reminding me of the older pre-release versions of Minecraft, whereas now it just looks like a plain unpleasant grey mush. The castle is much darker overall, but I feel that it ends up taking away from that elegant, renaissance feeling of the original castle. The UI also had all its style taken out. The original has an oddly hazardous look. It was futuristic, dirty, and badass all at once, but now it goes for the minimalist look that feels impersonal to the game's identity. The story has a more mopey feeling to it that completely obliterates that snappy, straight to the point attitude of the original, but at this point I think its not even worth complaining about it because I've already wasted a lot of space complaining about issues that barely matter in the large face of things. Its less so that these issues break the game for me, but more so that they complement the contemporary game design in a degrading way.

What really pisses me off about RE4 Remake is how the game really seems like it wants you to play like a pussy. Enemies here are much stronger than in the original, being much faster and aggressive, but what truly sucks is how tanky they all are. Staggering an enemy now takes like 4 bullets if you're lucky, and even if you do stagger them, you barely feel rewarded. Leon's roundhouse is so tiny now that pulling it off in a group of enemies is more likely to just have you punished. And EVEN IF you get a good knockdown, it barely matters anymore. Enemies get up so fast and your knife is so weak in both damage and durability so that playing up close is plain unoptimal now. Enemies become such mag dumps and spawn in such large amounts that the
prime strategy is to just run away from encounters. You still get rewarded for killing them, but you end up losing much more than you gain in the process. I only cleared out entire rooms of enemies as a begrudging task, either because I was forced to or worse, because Ashley's AI in this game is god awful, infinitely worse than in the original, completely stopping any time she even sees an enemy within a 10 foot radius.

Where as in the original your win condition was to take the initiative, your core game plan is to run around and parry now. Gamers and developers assume that parrying is inherently good game design without actually thinking about why. Its like they look at a game such as 3rd Strike and only think about Evo Moment 37. Parrying can be cool when done right, and it is not that way here. On Hardcore or lower, parrying feels like a crutch, being the only real way to protect yourself from the shitty and inconsistent enemy design. Its a much more shallow and unsatisfying way to interact with enemies compared to the original. But it gets worse in Professional: having to perfect parry completely eliminates your only reliable defensive option, making the experience that much more frustrating and inconsistent. I understand that parries in any game should require practice, but here it's ridiculously small to the point that it becomes a grind to learn parrying, and you can't really improvise with it because of how limited your health and resources are. Not even DMC 3's Royal Guard feels this unreliable. In essence, RE4 Remake's parry is less so a fun mechanic and more so buzz marketing, a set of jingling keys born from trend chasing.

What sucks is that there's a lot of stuff here that I wish was in the original. Proper rank metrics give you not only replay incentive, but ATTEMPT to push you to play better. Neat secrets like the gold eggs, the scarcer ammo that incentivizes you to make better financial decisions, the tougher bosses and lack of rocket launchers; it culminates in a game that has you exploring as much as you can. On my Professional run, I've been going out of my way to stockpile on every item and quest I can, something I never do in the original. The sad part though is that replaying this game has largely sapped my enjoyment of it. Its at its best as a mindless casual game you play once or twice. I'd know, because for a while I believed this game was better in almost every way compared to the original.

On the bright side though, at least this game will probably be infinitely more remarkable than the shitstorm of remakes that will keep coming this generation

Impressive what Capcom has done to Resident Evil since the disaster that 6 was. And it all culminated in the remake of one of the best -- and most beloved -- games of all time. In my opinion, they went above and beyond, and I currently prefer RE4 Remake over the OG. Lost track of how many times I've completed it already.

E a Capcom acerta mais uma vez em seus remakes. RE4 é redondo do começo ao fim, melhorando a narrativa e adicionando elementos modernos que encaixaram muito bem com o clima único do jogo original. Não chega a substituir o clássico de 2005, mas é uma roupagem mais madura e segura do pai dos TPSs modernos.

And Capcom hits the mark once again with its remakes. RE4 is solid from start to finish, improving the narrative and adding modern elements that fit very well with the unique atmosphere of the original game. It doesn’t replace the 2005 classic, but it is a more refined and mature version of the father of modern TPSs.

Had so much fun with this one