Received this for free with my AMD 7900X.

Not much to say. Complete ass on PC for the most part. The times it ran well were nice, but the game itself can be such a slog. Half-assed platforming sections constantly with a poorly balanced difficulty slider. There's a reason the games this apes don't have one. There's no point in talking the narrative. It's the thing for the SW/Marvel bunch to pretend is groundbreaking or remotely interesting. Boring!

Did not enjoy the first game much, which I played on Jedi Master difficulty and that's the difficulty I chose for this. It's not challenging as much as it's annoying. The combat still isn't responsive enough, feels too floaty and weightless. It's a game that constantly pulls punches and rarely ever feels satisfying.

Graphically this felt like a step up, but I was playing this on PC this time whereas I played the first on PS5 where it's such an ugly, muddy experience. Unfortunately here, again and obviously, Respawn released a shitty product on PC. The game looks like shit unless you have FSR on, even playing at native 4K with settings at Epic. The opening on Coruscant tricked me into thinking this was a visual delight until I got to the barren and frankly ugly Koboh. Some of the tighter corridors look fantastic though! The inside of the Mantis looks stellar, as well as the inside of the cantina on Koboh. Lots of intricate detail. The environments are totally boring though.

All in all, I'm not sure what I expected after playing the first game. I just can't care for these half-baked adventure/soulslike games. None of them reach the heights of what they take inspiration from. This is another "baby's first From" experience with a Star Wars coat on, but you also have to do mindless platforming between any remotely interesting combat experience. I'm sick of it! This isn't even a terrible game, it's just a totally forgettable one. I got just over halfway or so before giving up. Can't waste any more time.

Reviewed on May 05, 2023
