"Take my advice, Rookie. You ever fall for a woman? Make sure she's got balls."

ODST was a nice little change of pace! After playing as Chief for the last 3 games, it was nice to switch gears a little bit. Bungie wanted to get more experimental here and for most of it, I was totally on board with their new vision! The atmosphere of the city at night was incredibly well done and breaking it up with some more traditional Halo levels (while I wish they weren't there) were fun enough to be a safe inclusion.

Paying 60 bucks for this back in the day would be insane though. Even as someone who prefers shorter games, ODST's campaign is extremely short. It's longer than a lot of other DLCs sure but it's just not a full price game. It's a £25 or £40 game for sure.

All that said, I had a good time with it!! I'd love another Halo game that explores this idea way more someday.

Reviewed on Jun 07, 2021
