This is a solid Halo game. I played most of the campaign but I do not believe that I ever finished (I enjoyed what I played though)

This may be a controversial take but I preferred the DS version more than the version that has everything (basically every platform but DS). I am not the biggest fan of newer Lego Games but the DS version was enjoyable because it kept the simplistic formula that I have grown to love.

You can not truly master this game but I played enough where I scored high on the leaderboards for weeks. I would not play it again as of now but it is was fun when I had nothing else to do on my phone (as I did not have unlimited data back in the day).

This was the first game that I played on my tablet and I had a lot of fun back in the day. I have moved on from this game but I was always remember how this game made me closer to my family (as we all played it together).