Oh this one is fire but some levels make me want to unleash my alpha form I play it as a distraction

I couldn't finish it cuz I got scared but good social commentary

Fuck this racist ass game too

This shit is FIREEE🔥🔥🔥🔥 SO AWESOME I LOVEDDDD IT I didn't play it myself cuz I'm a scaredy cat but I watched a play through it was very fun high recommend the stakes feel high and the characters are appealing it's cool

I fucking hate this piece of shit so much + awful + krill + no one asked + beta better it's so damn rushed and edgy like your ass did not have to do allat bro and the artstyle got ruined compared to the beta they look like ants in their last moments before getting squashed this game had satirical potential but it all crushed before my eyes as I got to the "true ending" or whatever its called do not play this game genuinely I would not recommend it to anyone but I will play this series again

This game is so fucking ass I love it so much it's literally a disappointment and a waste of your time + literally the second beta solos the franchise as a whole it's awful but once you play it you can never recover because you do deep dives and shit for more content and it kills all your hopes and dreams 5/5 would play again