Its VR missions are a revelation. I was grinning ear to ear after the first takeoff. It’s truly transportive. Having the ability to turn your head during exhilarating dogfights completely changes how you play the game compared to its non-VR campaign. You can see the enemy fighters coming for you and evade them.

It’s a shame the whole game wasn’t VR capable. I hope they go that route for their next game’s campaign and multiplayer as well because it’s a game changer. Playing the campaign after VR felt like a lesser version. It’s too good not to be capitalized on. I think its the shake up this series needs to stay relevant and interesting.

Also the campaign mode wasn’t balanced very well. I played on normal difficulty and they had these difficulty bottlenecks on some missions. I tried for nearly two hours to beat mission 6 before I gave up. You also can’t change the difficulty to get past tough moments, which is asinine.

Reviewed on Jul 28, 2023
