Just to let you know, like how i felt like Genshin is not for well-endowed people like me who prefer a game that has a proper progression that stands out to non-F2P players alike, Blue Archive is one of those games where grinding is heavily encouraged NO MATTER HOW you decide to spend or not, but most likely it will give you the instinct to sacrifice your money.
I personally wanted to go through a blind run, but i've heard that to get the best of Blue Archive you have to look up appropriate guides that tell you what are the best characters, which, surprise, you will have to get it with any means, most likely it will give you the instinct to SPEND MONEY.

Onto to the game itself, outside of gacha mechanics: the gameplay itself is a very automatized kind of XCOM where you guide three armed students to attack the enemy formation. You won't have to worry about deciding how they are placed, but you will be worrying instead to make sure that your party is strong enough to approach the enemy. Of course, the problem, which is also present in some gacha games, is that i am bothered at how the game keeps giving you tons of cutscenes before a brief gameplay segment and then boom, more story.

I may not have enough will to actually review this properly as i only gave it a try since last year since i wrote this review, but i personally could have played it if it was a proper XCOM clone or a tactical RPG with a twist in it, something Arknights could've done if it was designed for non-F2P in mind.

Reviewed on Oct 08, 2023

1 Comment

7 months ago

Frankly I don't choose to roll for a character regarding how strong they are, but just because I like them so I disagree with that, the game is playable for F2P players (even if you need to be patient and to not waste your pyros) but it's probably because I don't really care about the competitive aspect of the game (with the total assault for example). Not to say that you'll have every character you want though, and for that you have to spent tons of money, that's true.
And yeah basically the main story is a visual novel with gameplay, something I love about it, the gameplay is just there to emphasize the action scenes of the story