Triforce Heroes is a pretty fun multiplayer Zelda with a lot of baffling decisions that hold it back being anything really special. First off, whoever thought that putting literally no invincibility frames should be fired. It's such a baffling component to be missing, especially with how many enemies the game throws at you. This doesn't help by the lives system which makes you restart a level if you die four times which doesn't seem bad but by the end when there are so many enemies on screen and the enemies get hard, the game can feel pretty grueling. The clothing items was a pretty fun mechanic with slight buffs for each player making everyone feel like they have some important role to play in levels, along with multiple items per dungeon that only one player can hold. Some of the worlds were also a bit misses with not a lot of fun gimmicks but most of them were pretty good and one of them was actually pretty fantastic and used the game's gimmick of having three people incredibly well and shows how well the concept can work. At it's best, Triforce Heroes is able to have a lot of really fun puzzles using the three player gimmick or just be a stupid fun with friends, however, at it's worst, it's frustating and a grind to get through.

Reviewed on Feb 25, 2024
