3 reviews liked by AlexSkywalker

Red Dead Redemption is what happens when technology and vision collide too early. Red Dead Redemption 2023 on PS5 is a redemption story to that.

My 4th time rolling the credits on this bad boy and it still has a punch and staying power to it that I can only hope RDR II will be able to sustain through the years.

A golden standard of being stuffed and tasty all the way through. Like having a burger that has not a minced meat but a whole steak in it. Doesn't sound optimised for consumption? Well, if you chew it long enough, you're not gonna regret it, let me tell ya.

Still manages to amaze and impress you with it's amount of "unnecessary" details. I can't stress enough how good the trio interactions are written, GTA V is the game that successfully captured that phenomena of a group dynamic, when people slightly change their attitude depending on who else is in the room. The characters of the main trio are well realised and full, but it's their morphing and changing quality in interactions with each other that makes them shine. When Trevor finally gets to have a conversation with Lamar - that moment is nothing short of a revelation to me.