- a classic game with possible the biggest influence on the series as a whole
- lovingly recreated in this remastered version with great soundtrack and visual quality
- a detailed map and autosave function
- introduction and perfect implementation of the Active Time Battle system
- rich, huge overworld with a distinctly modern feel
- satisfactory, smooth difficulty curve
- short dungeons and a manageable encounter rate
- some of the best characters story arcs in the series to far...

-... and some truly annoying and useless ones (looking at you, magic twins)
- the plot is not developed to its actual conclusion and leaves some threads dangling
- surprise attacks are common and drag down the pacing
- some action commands are practically useless (Steal, Pray...)
- the infamous hunt for summoning items with ridiculously low encounter chances
- limited, repetitive soundtrack with the weakest battle theme of the series thus far
- a short and underwhelming final fight

Magic Moment: Rydias character development and surprise appearance at a dramatic moment of the story.

Verdict: This is a true classic. A Final Fantasy game that influenced the series for years to come and showed the world what the future of JRPG would feel like. This particular version makes it easily accessible and is presented wonderfully.

Highly recommended.

Reviewed on Nov 14, 2021
