+ the portal creation mechanic is incredibly implemented
+ main game features a diverse, creative set of challenges
+ tutorial and learning curve are perfectly calibrated
+ length and complexity of levels is never overwhelming
+ various puzzles can be solved in more ways than one
+ very few levels require quick or mechanically difficult actions
+ the final boss fight is simple but effective
+ the writing for GLADOS is smart and memorable
+ the visual design is clean and supports the game design
+ the soundtrack is unobtrusive and fits the action
+ "Still Alive" is an iconic piece of music
+ the additional levels are a nice bonus
+ the memes will outlive us all

- later half of the story levels are weaker than their predecessors
- walking speed is pretty low
- orientation during high and fast jumps is tough
- life cycles of energy balls are not properly explained
- turrets do not catch friendly fire
- handling of objects through portals is buggy
- some textures in the Switch version are rough
- load times feel archaic and unnecessary
- no quick save options and autosaves are overwritten automatically
- difficulty spikes in final two Advanced levels are frustrating
- developer commentary is only available as New Game+

Playtime: 2 hours for the main game with 50% of achievements. 4 additional hours for all Advanced and Still Alive levels, guide usage only for the two final Advanced levels.

Magic Moment: Re-living through this modern classic after all these years with a smile on my face and still marveling at the carefully crafted diffculty curve.

Time has been kind to the one original, single-player IP that Valve has created in the past 15 years. Be it the clean, deceptively simple design of the portal mechanics, the fluid technical performance, or the iconic writing of the character of GLADOS, Portal is still just as playable as it was when it first came out, and this Switch version is a perfectly fine (and so far, only) way to play it on a recent console. The additional levels are generally not on par with the original ones - serving mostly as additional content for anyone interested in deepening their understanding of the game mechanics -, but they highlight how perfectly calibrated the tutorial levels and learning curve of the main game are.

There is just no way around it: Portal is a true modern classic that everyone has to play.

Reviewed on Jul 31, 2023
